[b] Pentalius, The Acadmey [/b] "Alright, my villa should suffice for what you need." He said and beckoned her to follow,he was curious as to what was really going on but he didn't speak to her the whole walk to his villa, the city was busy like always at midday but no one payed two students any mind, finally they arrived at his villa and he opened the door wide enough for Ameiliana to walk through before him. [b] Gaius Ignis, The Palace [/b] Gaius felt a lump form in his throat and he was nervous but it didn't show on his face he had always been a warrior who could keep his calm even when enemies descended upon him, reaching back he pulled out the knife the empress had used it still had blood on it, but it was a mix of both the emperors and the girls, "She hid the blade on herself because one of my brothers did not check her well enough, i could of lost my life." He said his voice radiating calm he continued on "So i used it on her until her eyes closed for good, but she deserved much slower for what she did to you lord emperor." There was nothing to betray any kind of emotion to his voice but silently in his head he prayed to the gods that he would buy it and let him go clean up.