The party has just survived an ambush in the sewer after being split up, where they were attacked by both assassins, the undead, black wizards and a rather vicious banshee. Liaena and Serphia(whom are currently in a heated argument), Sharon, Vashi, Lord Greymoon and another sentinel I think are in a hall filled to the brim with animal bones that just recently were reanimated and attacked them, but defeated. Rithrynn, Leia and Shani are currently chasing after Donald, an assassin who just managed to escape from the group's custody in the hall. They are currently somewhere in the many sewer tunnels. Rithrynn did break off from the chase though to go after Sherpa, whom she spotted in her search. Also, in a cistern in the sewer, there's also a half-unconscious dwarf called Smokey who works for Sherpa, but who was gravely wounded earlier. The action is spread quite loosely out across the sewer, as you may have noticed :)