Hello! *waves* Welcome. I have a lot of interests and I hope you can find something that interests you as well. First, guess I should tell you who I am and what I'm looking for. I am a female who is over 18 years of age. I work a full time job so I can get maybe one or two posts in at night. If I don't think I can respond back in a few days, I WILL tell you. I expect you to do the same. I am a lot more easy going that way. I am looking for a male role-player. If you are not, please discontinue to read. I like good literate detail posts. I can do anywhere between 1 paragraph to several, depending on how inspired I am by the role-play. I don't expect you to match my posts but I do want at least something I can go off of. With that said, no text speech or one liners please. No incest. Lastly, since I am looking for a Mature role-play, I only write through PMs. Now....if you are still here and still reading guess we can move along to my so called black list of choices. The following are not set in stone, I will consider others not on this list. Archaeologist / Guide Celebrity / Regular person Solider / Civilan ** Princess / Prince Princess / Commoner Prince / Commoner Mafia Boss Daughter / Bodyguard Crime Boss / Undercover Agent Basic Starting plots: Apocalypse (some type of catastrophic disaster) [hider=Plot 1] :: Heavy Static :: “ ’ello?, Can someone hear me?” ::Heavy Static:: “I’m…..I’m afraid. I’m alone.” “I..I don’t know how long I have here, so I am going to speak quickly.” ::Heavy static with a few minutes of silence:: “Damn it…the batteries are going out. Listen. It has been two days since I have heard anything from the outside. It has been seven days since the world fell.” “If….if anyone is listening…I need help….I am trapped. Please…I’m located…..” ::Radio cuts off for several more minutes:: “Damn it…I’ll find my own way…those things…..they found me….” ::Several gun shots could be heard before the radio finally cuts off:: ((Basic idea…up to us to make the story. PM with your response if you are up for survival mode. )) [/hider] [s]Futuristic Western (Considering that I love Firefly, this would be a plus)[/s] Anything Futuristic (aka spaceships, advance technology, etc.) Anything Fantasy/medieval (aka magic, dragons, etc.) ********* FANDOMS: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WhhS2maFEs]Harry Potter[/url] Doctor Who Percy Jackson Marvel Walking Dead Star Wars Star Trek