[b]Aemiliana[/b] Aemiliana walked into Pentalius's house. She took off her shoes, mindful of the clean floor, and took the moment that she was fiddling with the sandal straps to organize her thoughts. She decided to just say it outright. "The reason I didn't want you to call me my lady is because my... my father thinks I'm dead. He ordered me to be killed, one of the guardsmen saved me, and if my father hears so much as a rumor that I am alive he will kill the guardsman. I... I drew a knife on my father... I-I cut him, and I threw the blade at my grandfather." Tears started streaming down her face again. "I was mad. I've been as good as a slave for the last seven years, but I've... Every little thing I've done wrong I've been viciously punished for. He's so kind to my older sister, lavishing gifts upon her, and he treats me like scum. Every day he yells at me, has me beaten, because I'm too slow at falling to my knees when he passes, or I don't avert my eyes fast enough when he looks at me. I couldn't bear it. I'm not a violent person, Pentalius. I'm not. But I was mad, and scared, and I wanted better for my life. I'm sorry to throw myself upon you like this" she added. "But... You're the only one who's ever told me it's okay to be smart. You're the only one who looks at me and sees an actual person with actual feelings. You've shown me kindness, when I thought none existed in the world." She bared her forearms, indicated long scars down them. There were criscrossed knife scars on the backs, from one of her beatings when she had dared to talk back to her father, but that wasn't what she was pointing at. "I tried to kill myself, multiple times. I didn't want to live in fear the rest of eternity. But then I decided to take him with me. I've been planning this for about three weeks, but I never anticipated the sort of trouble I'd get in for doing it." She wiped her eyes on her sleeves, somewhat afraid of Pentalius's reaction. [b]Aulus and Gaius Vitellius[/b] After another long moment Aulus nodded. "Very well then. You have been dismissed." ((Sorry 'bout the very short post, but I'm not sure what else they can do.))