[b] Pentalius, Noctura Villa [/b] She really went all out, told him everything about her life everything that went on, Pentalius felt sorry that she had to live that kind of life, that kind of torture no one should endure. "It's okay now when my father arrives tomorrow, I will tell him about what you've told me and knowing him he will offer you a home here. And as long as neither of us tell another living soul you will be safe, my home is now yours." He said he was taking this thing in stride, he was helping somebody who needed him. He stooped down a bit so he could wrap Ameiliana in his arms "You're safe here." He said again. [b] Gaius Ignis [/b] "Thank you lord emperor." Rising up from his knees Gaius turned and left and headed back for his barracks to clean up and change, if he spent any longer in that room he probably would of told everything out of fear. The barracks was quite packed with off duty praetorian's who looked at him covered in blood and made jokes about it. cleaning away the blood was like a snake shedding it's skin he felt renewed. Changing into a new uniform, and re-buckling on his gladius he walked out of the barracks and stood in his position just in time for when the emperor told him to come back.