[b]Aemiliana[/b] Aemiliana gasped as Pentalius wrapped his arms around her. Then she relaxed against him, feeling the reassuring beat of his heart. "I'll work for you. I'll clean and cook. I can manage the finances; that was the one part of my work my father could find no fault in. I can weave or sew or make medicines. I'll earn my keep here, I promise. And after this blows over I'll leave, if you want me to. I won't burden you overly." Aemiliana realized she was mumbling and decided to shut up before she talked Pentalius's ear off. She also became hyper-aware of how close the two of them were standing. She flushed slightly, glad that she had the hood of the cloak up. [b]Aemilia[/b] Aemilia glanced at the position of the sun. "Why don't we head to the palace and get ready there, Nona? You can borrow one of my dresses. I'm thinking the gold one with the dark embroideries for myself, and maybe the green one with the cloth-of-gold trim and embroidery for you? Green is certainly a fabulous color on you." Realizing what they had been talking about, she giggled. "I'd almost suggest a gladiator then, someone brave and strong and handsome. Meaning no disrespect, but Crispus is hardly a catch. I'm personally leaning towards Octavius, if I could get him away from Aurelia. I don't know why she bothers dragging him around. I could do so much better for him, not to mention I'm from a far more powerful family." She raised her eyebrows a fraction of an inch. "And I've also heard that he's quite good at what men do, if you catch my drift. I certainly deserve it, after being completely deprived for the last year."