[center] Mars - The Free Holds [/center] "Does a man?" Aeyr quickly retorted. "Only when we're not in the heat of the moment," Mar's answered with a close lipped smile. He then moved behind a pile of clothes and proceeded to dress into his outfit. Removing his shirt and pants he swapped them with the ones Mikan had tossed him. Neatly Mars folded his own clothes, and rested his rapier across the pile. Aeyr had managed to conceal a weapon of her own, and Mars pondered if he should hide a weapon of his own, but he didn't want to risk it's discovery on the chance he was searched, if it was at all a possibility. Under his rapier rested the string of prayer beads which had belonged to Thailen. She saved his life. It was an odd thing to think about, as Mar's couldn't understand what kind of drive would push someone to risk thier life for strangers. People talk about taking the stab for others all the time, but when push comes to shove Mar's had never seen it until that moment. It was the real thing and it baffled him. Perhaps that's why noble men were so rare, because they readily put themselves at such risk. Unfortunately for the woman this wasn't a world for heroes, it was a world for cheaters, liars and thieves. Mars lifted the beads and gave them a gentle tug, wondering if they were strong enough to choke someone with. They might have been, but he didn't want to risk breaking them. Besides, with him dressed as a slave someone might mistake them for anal beads, and he didn't want to be put in that kind of position. Sentimentally, he laid the beads back with his clothes and stood up. "By the way, after we're done here I would like to meet your demonic friends if at all possible," Mars inquired to Mikan.