After Krov stated his resolve to change, Kuro nodded as he smiled at the russian. "You're not a bad person, Krov. You've just seen so many horrid things that it has changed your path; it made you stumble. However, just because you stumbled doesn't mean you've fallen. I welcome your resolve, Krov." Kuro chuckled as Greyson seemed to recognize him. "Big Sister, you need to rest you know? Hisako-chan, would it be possible for us to spare a human for big sister? I would believe that isn't really a drawback for us since I trust Krov-kun to refresh our blood supply. Besides, I've already done my share of blood today. I can last until two days from now." Kuro tilted his head. "It pains me to see a family member injured." Suddenly, Chiyo reacted to his statement, stating that she liked him better as a kid. Kuro faced Chiyo with a grin while scratching his head. "Knowin' ya Chiyo-chan, it's hard to know whether you're praisin' or mockin'. Still though, you ain't gettin' any younger; we ain't gettin' any younger! Hahahaha!" Kuro chuckled as he turned to the youngest vampire, Karina. She was just eleven years old... so young, quite powerless. She needed all the training she could get. "Karina-pyon. Since Chiyo-chan is goin' ta be your teacher, I know you can become a very powerful vampire in the future. Believe it!" Kuro gave the kid a thumbs up as he felt an immense power come nearer to their shack. Kuro shivered as he already had an idea of who was coming. "Priscilla..." Kuro silently mumbled as he shook his head, only to realize that Hisako was introducing herself again. "Hisako-chan, you haven't said your age again! Someone's gonna get angrrryyyyy...." A cold voice resonated through the shack as Kuro smiled. The sound of armor clanking on the ground, the black sword... "Welcome back, Priscilla-dono." Kuro grinned as the powerful figure stepped into the room. Armor as dark as an eclipse, a sword that has been rumored to have slain a thousand souls, and an ominous mask that covered half of her face; this was the third of the ten ancients, a group of the most powerful vampires. This was, is, and will be, Priscilla, the third ancient. After Priscilla gave her introduction, she began to ask who was the eldest in the group. Before Kuro could speak, however, Krov did it for him. Kuro listened intently as Krov gave the important details to Priscilla. After Krov was finished, Kuro approached Priscilla. Kuro noticed his lack of height when compared to the ancient. The childish visage had once again vanished from Kuro's face. "I think Krov has already said the most important details." Kuro nodded to Krov as he turned to Priscilla once more. "I would just say what the repercussions of the war would be. Since the whole of humanity got a grim realization that vampires were real, the ranks of the Black Swords, and even people who dabble in the Slayer arts, have increased exponentially. The only reason why this shack hasn't been found yet is because the only data they got is that the founder is merely a fledgling. If they knew that this shack is housing more powerful vampires, they would have sent their strongest hunters." Kuro spoke without missing a beat. "The humans have already developed intricate slaying techniques, and most of it, they've adapted during the Homo-Vampiric War. They're getting deadlier as time passes by. They managed to cut my ear, and if I was just a normal vampire, I would have been killed. The hunters I've fought were tremendously skilled; they have gotten stronger." Kuro pointed to his ear which had now almost completely grown back. "I am Kuro Nakatomi of the Kofun. A one-thousand, five-hundred, and six." Kuro bowed as he took a step back. "That is all I have to say. It is indeed a crisis which requires your aid, Priscilla-dono."