I see that you have a vacancy for the White Rabbit. Lucky me, I just so happen to have a recycled OC I've been meaning to use who fits the role [i]perfectly[/i] [hider=White Rabbit][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://safebooru.org/images/1153/844d0fccc66ec8a21aa3606a68b190b060a4d30f.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] ~130lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black (can appear brown depending on the lighting) [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Skin-tone:[/b] Fair [b]Name:[/b] Aiko Saito [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]History:[/b] Aika was born thanatophobic, meaning that from the very beginning, she was afraid of dying. You know what kinds of people specialize in knowing what kills people? Doctors and horror novelists...more specifically, Aika's doctor mother and horror novelist father. Her mother being an excellent doctor who had a natural knack for human biology, and her father being an equally-natural horror novelist who has yet to write a story that won't send chills to places you didn't even know you had, Aika had no problem discovering more and more things that could kill her, which developed into phobias. By age five, she was afraid of the general things that kill folks. Old age, disease, fire, and so forth. By ten, she'd built up quite the repitiore of phobias. By thirteen, there was nothing that couldn't scare her in the right (wrong?) light. It was a big problem since Aika's phobias were beginning to make everyday activities a hassle. She even got nervous when walking to and from school for fear of being mugged, kidnapped, or any other number of things happening to her. Well, wouldn't you know it, on a walk home from school, she was kidnapped. And now, here she is, on edge and ready to freak the hell out at the first sign of scary things. [b]Personality:[/b] For somebody who claims to be fearless, Aika sure is afraid of an awful lot of things. It would probably be faster to list the things she's [i]not[/i] afraid of, especially when a lot of her phobias are - as is the actual definition for phobias - completely irrational. Because she's so easily spooked, Aika seems very skittish at first glance...because, y'know...she is. You could legitimately scare her off just by saying "good morning" wrong. However, for a girl just an inch from being diagnosed with panphobia (fear of absolutely everything), Akia is pretty brave. As long as she's only a little scared, she can and will take life head-on. However, one good jump is all it takes to stop her in her tracks and leave her panicking until she's had some time to get as calm as she'll ever get. Because she's aware of how easily frightened she is, Aika often takes time to measure in advance what she's doing, and when she'll do it. She is friendly, though. Assuming you didn't scare her away, Aika will prove to be surprisingly upbeat for someone constantly living in fear of many stupid things (including stupidity itself), especially since fear-driven delusions are commonplace for her. On that note, it should be noted that her greatest fear is of dying, which branched out and created her countless other phobias. Expect conversations with her to last a while though. [b]Likes:[/b] +The sound of a human voice, as it (usually) calms her. As a result of this, a-capella has become her favorite form of music. +Low-frequency sounds; same reason as above +Video games; these are (usually) a way for her to escape from the scary real world into a place where there isn't anything to be scared of. She particularly likes Mario games. +Apple pie; her favorite food +Soft things +Outer space [b]Dislikes:[/b] -Loud noises; they startle her -Silence; keeps her on edge -Sour things -Anything with sharp teeth, minus cats -Always being afraid of something [b]Other:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKx6Y4wSPgc]This[/url] is her favorite song in gaming. It would be nice to see how she deals with a knife-brandishing psychopath. I suspect she'll start throwing things.[/hider]