[hider=Karviná-based Orders] St. Valarien's Order of Hospitallers: Based in the fortress-monastery of Lipany, the Hospitaller Order is dedicated to the memory of Valarien Paragon. Its members patrol the roads from Karviná to Noctua, protecting pilgrims and travelling folk from danger. It also manages a number of hospices, tending to the sickly and injured. All kinds of beastmen are disdained by the order, and expeditions to root out their lairs are not uncommon. The Hospitallers take a very apolitical stance in their duties, as they claim to serve all of mankind. Order of the Sacred Flame: Like their Blazing Sun counterparts, knights of the Sacred Flame are devout in their worship of Kammeth, studious in their martial prowess and military strategy. Historically, the order was founded by the elite of Ladislav’s warriors after the Conquest of Elyden, vowing to “Defend the Crown and the Faith” from beastmen, pagans and other undesirables. Unlike the Hospitallers, they are very much secularly dedicated to House Benedikt, and have no qualms against warring with other Houses if it is in their lord’s interest. The Knights of the Blazing Sun and the Sacred Flame are on good terms with each other, and conduct joint crusades on beastmen.[/hider]