[img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/220/8/a/The_Alchemist_by_yuumei.jpg] Full Name James Hunter Nickname(s) Gender Male Age 17 Year 3rd Birthday March 13th Astrological Sign Aquarius Species Human(cursed) Class Sorcerer(normal)/Berserker(Curse mode) Weapon he uses his own body as his weapon. He doesn't need more than his hands, feet, and imbues his own body with magic, but when his curse takes over he summons a [hider=greatsword][img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-95-S524HqZo/T_uMpeVDBcI/AAAAAAAAADg/kY1kCKbTfRs/s1600/Ash.jpg][/hider] World Lucis Short Biography James was abandoned as a child, well, actually, more like given to an insane alchemist so he could be a test subject, but during one of the tests, something went wrong, cursing him. That was the first time his curse took over, and he mutilated the alchemist. Personality (Can I put his as TBR?) Partner (If anyone wants to be my partner, just say so.) Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) when his curse takes over, he won't be able to discern between friend and foe, and only a person he really cares about will be able to bring him out of it.(If anyone can manage to get him to like them enough by that time.) During that time, he will attack any living thing in sight. (the rest is TBR) Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits He has a curse mark on his right shoulder that will occasionally take over, increasing all of his physical attributes in exchange for his sanity. Themesong (I can't think of a good one.) Other he has a [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/163/0/0/the_curse_arm_tattoo_by_dwlord2002-d3ipxbt.jpg]curse mark[/url] on his right arm.