[center]((OOC: Sorry for the late reply! I've been a bit busy lately~))[/center] Verlassën nodded, walking over to Ralph and helping him to his feet. "That's all right. I can help you get back to the cave. Just be careful." She said, glancing around, her ears perked for any sound. "There isn't a whole lot around here in terms of prey, but I saw a couple of trees that have nuts we can eat. Maybe we can get those?" She suggested, noticing a berry bush nearby. She sniffed it, glad that she could detect which plants were poisonous with her canine nose. "These are okay to eat, I don't smell any poison on or in them." She said, looking over at Ralph. "We'll need to get quite a bit of food if Tony's coming back with new recruits, and we can't exactly get them when we're getting ambushed left and right." She joked, looking around cautiously. [center]((OOC: Pretty meh post, but it'll do.))[/center]