[center] [b]Human Name:[/b] Luna Stone [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Human Appearance:[/b] [/center] Image [center] [b]"I'm sorry... I can't... I seem to be uh.... stuck... Help?"[/b] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/3c/f9/56/3cf956dd7e165fba94c3efacdbccd085.jpg] [/center] [center] [b]Bio:[/b] Luna's mother and father decided to send their... interesting daughter to this school in the hope that she would learn how to better control her powers and... stop tripping over things. Generally, a klutz in all matters, Luna has a hard time doing much of anything without royally messing it up. Will that ever change? [s]Probably not.[/s] [b]Parents:[/b] Mayan Moon Goddess and Chaac, the Mayan Rain God [b]God Name:[/b] Noonsa [b]God Appearance:[/b] [/center] Image [center] [b]"That's really me? Jesus Christ... That's way too pretty to be me. ^-^;"[/b] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/df/46/1bdf46bf21f02554d9371f2cb1f3c807.jpg] [/center] [center] [b]Symbols:[/b] [/center] Symbol o Godliness [center] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/44/69/6b/44696bed41e0fc1cf7ee05170b614c12.jpg] [/center] [center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Weapon:[/b] Dual Sickle Wielder [b]Animal:[/b] Rabbit [b]Followers:[/b] Considering her parents do most of the work, people would be hard pressed to believe in a goddess that does nothing for them. She's.. uhm... working on it, though. [/center]