[u][i] –Zivon- [/u] [/i] Zivon kept giggling and smiling until Dani told him calm down but looking at him, he threw himself to Dani and hugging him tightly. “Dani! Dan-i! Hi! Hi!” He giggled and continued to hug his tall friend. “Hi! Hi! Dani! Hi! Hugs! Hugs!” He snuggled tightly on him and making sure he won’t let go, he looked up at him and gave out a really happy and warm smile. “I like hugs! Hugs are special! People don’t like hugging me! They like to beat me instead.” He said with out knowing what he actually said, he seemed to be too much in a happy mood to even notice it. “Punch and kick! Kick and punch! Right at the face or the stomach! Too many times! So hug! Hug!” Zivon just kept on smiling, before he was afraid of getting hugs but since he was such in a happy (yet like drunk) attitude he just couldn’t stop hugging him. “So no beating! I no like beating just hugs!” [u][i] –Cyber- [/u][/i] Cyber nodded as he walked with Alistair who took his hand towards the forest, as he heard fairies he couldn’t help to get agitated and annoyed. He was still pissed at Alexandria… he sweared that he would not make Alistair go back and she even warned, his left eye twitch just being reminded of that. “Okay… but if I see Alexandria trying to bring you back I will make it my pleasure to make you don’t come back.” He said to him, reviving the promise he made yesterday. He walked through the branch that Alistair lifted toward him and Save. He looked up to her and waved. “Hhmm… Well I have lots of questions about you Save… if you don’t mind me asking but you said you were my classmate before I moved to Athalia right? I am trying to remember but… I kind off don’t remember… So might telling me a bit more?” Cyber asked her as he continued to walk with Alistair and saw a small light. He wondered what was Alistair going to show to the both of them.