Nona smiled at her friend, picturing herself in the green dress she’d suggested. [b]”Oh yes, it is isn’t it?”[/b] she cooed, thinking of her own lovely dark hair resting against it, tossing her white and gold laced handkerchief to the perfect strong gladiator who would whisk her away for a night. Then she could throw it in Crispus’ face. How satisfying it would be. She coughed softly and brought the back of her hand against her lips to do so. She blushed mildly and glanced at Aemilia before forcing a smile. [b]”I swear if another servant touches me without washing their hands properly I will slice them from stem to stern!”[/b] she laughed, moving a bit of her hair. As the got to the palace, Nona considered Aemilia’s words and grasped her hand in compact. [b]”Yes, let us take what we want. You will have Octavius, and I shall have the most handsome gladiator I can find. We both deserve it. Oh, why couldn’t WE have been sisters?”[/b] she moaned softly, as she had many times, lamenting how the gods had chosen her to live. She walked with Aemilia to get dressed, having the palace servants dress her in the green frock. [b]”Watch it!”[/b] she hissed at one and smacked her, who had accidentally pinched her when pulled it down over her. Nona made a ‘humph’ sound but then smoothed her face, turning a few times for her friend. [b]”Well?”[/b] she smiled ever so slightly. She certainly looked like she could have been royal. For his her nose got any higher she might have gotten a nosebleed.