[b]Rome, near the colosseum[/b] Marcus Falco had had an uneventful day thus far - so uneventful in fact that he had decided to break his old habits and actually show himself at the Colosseum. This was so out of the ordinary that his manservant - a Greek, some years older than his master, a former gladiator and all around well adjusted fellow - Cato was ever so slightly taken aback by such a sudden change in daily routine. Still the two had made the journey - by foot, not that Marcus disliked carriages or riding, but in his opinion it was better to walk than cause too much of a ruckus in other ways. "Ah, old boy, since you have such a sharp mind remind me again how you managed to beat those two Germans in your last match..." Marcus winked at Cato and knocked himself on the forehead "My memory isn't what it used to be you know, keep forgetting little details like that, but you have still all your fishes in the basket - or should I say figs in the tree?" The tall Greek rolled his dark eyes - somehow that little gesture made the handsome, seemingly scarless man seem somehow very lewd and barbaric - as he took a deep breath. "Well, I really hate to brag, but only one of them was any good on the sand - the other was just a beginner in comparison. You have to believe me - I was there." He spread his massive arms and let out a hearty laugh. "You were there too, remember? Anyways..." The funny thing about Cato was that over the years Marcus had never heard him exaggerate any of his accomplishments, on the sands or off, he was admittedly intrigued by his friend's stories every time he heard them. The former consul smiled almost longingly as he thought of the few first years of them meeting. Those had been rough times for both of them... Marcus was returned from his thoughts by the all too familiar "...Then by Juppiter's bollocks I stabbed the other fellow right between the legs - that's how I won my last fight on the sands." Cato lifted his hands to the air and made a little bow to an imaginary audience before the two men patted eachother on the shoulder - Marcus took his time to nod and congratulate the Greek on his story well told - and the two made their way to the stands of the colosseum.