[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ZnhoYvN.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Arydnia ‘[i]Arryn[/i]’ Tabolt [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Bio[/b]: Known for its lasting reign over the North, powerful line of Kings, and formidable army, the Kingdom of Taeron has always had special ties with The Labyrinth. Considered taboo through most Royalty, the Lords of House Tabolt have reigned, and wielded powerful artifacts for ten generations by the means of sacrificing their female daughters and house members. While old traditions raised them as servants, and often times as slaves, more knowledge and a better understanding of the Labyrinth have brought the Tabolts to raise their daughters as Squires, and Knights. House Artifacts were delicate in the beginning, and weren’t made for war, or power. With changing times, the quality and power of the artifacts became stronger and more adept to the Taeron way of life, granted by the strength of the women entering the Labyrinth. [center]“[b]For the good of the Kingdom, and by the blood of the House.[/b]”[/center] Dictated by this oath, and tradition, Arydnia’s fate was already devised before her birth. Born a twin with her brother Aeris, she was raised to believe that she had been graced with the honor to sacrifice herself in the name of her brother, and the Tobolt House. And as the 'Princess' it was her duty to serve the kingdom in the only way she had been told she could. While Aeris, and the rest of her brothers learned about politics, and were lead down the path of Kings and Nobles, Arydnia was raised in the ways of a Knight. Appointed as the personal squire of the King, she went under intensive training with her father until, Arryn Ramsay, Head of the Kings Guard, took her under his wing. Squiring beneath him, she was taught how to properly fight, spending her days training and preparing for the fated day of her eighteenth birthday. Like the other women of the Tabolt name that had been fated with the same destiny, Arydnia had always been aware of her destiny. In her mind it was an inescapable fate, and a responsibility that would soon fall onto the other would-be females of the Tabolt name. Coming to accept this, she understood entering the Labyrinth would be a lose-lose scenario for her either way. If she made it through, creatures and beasts long before her time would meet her on the other side, and if she didn't, she would simply be fulfilling the duty she had been raised to prepare for all along. [b]Personality[/b]: Arydnia has always been a serious girl. Stoic, drawn, and independent, her father often praised her for her strength, stating that even as a child she hardly ever cried, or whined. Her life has revolved around nothing but the labyrinth, and training, rendering her almost completely socially inept. Blunt, aggressive, and seemingly unsympathetic, its hard for anyone to really get along with her, or for her to get along with anyone else. Past this tough exterior, and while rare, and never with out a rough edge to it, she has been known to show off a kinder side at times. However forming bonds, and making friends has never been at the top of her priorities. While she holds no contempt for her Kingdom, or people, Arydnia has never felt that she was apart, or belonged to her House. Treated considerably different from her brothers, she has always been aware of how her parents really feel about her. She has seen the greed, and corruption that drives her father, fearing that her brother will only become the same. However in her position, she has no power to protest any of this this. With a life that's been paved for her from start to finish, she's come to accept whatever fate has in mind for it, be it escaping the Labyrinth, or even death. Fast, and precise, Arydnia is without a doubt better then her brothers with a sword. Keeping up with Sir. Ramsay, and at times, even her father, she holds great confidence in her swordsmanship. Because of this she become rash, and even cocky in battle, which tends to be her greatest flaw. Despite this, Arydnia has an unbreakable tenacity and confidence, capable of taking a hard blow, she'll force herself to fight through pain and broken bones to stand her ground.