I will always stand corrected when in error, its the path to improvement after all. As for the conditions regarding the mercenary force I may come out and admit my ignorance on certain factors regarding the current world status, cuirasses, sables, rapiers and blunderbusses/matchlocks was what I had in mind for things, mayhap due to my own shortcomings I have failed to establish the Coal Company appart from Ecthelion`s own vision and character direction, which is how low pride has sunk a man. Then for the status of the company and their wealth or lack of it, I may not have dug the point that theyre all about practicality maybe if they had a less bittered man for a commander they could indulge in savory pursuits, perhaps if they were rich they could afford some opulence. Also please correct me if I am wrong but in no moment did I think that I made the observation that the Coals were unskilled, poorly trained and much less poorly paid. If my character sheet made it come across as that way I can only hope that my IC posts give more light to the truth of the situation Regading the name, I will admit my fault that I did not bother to make sure if it rhymed, I saw lion in the name and it had me immediately, Id like to think myself a clever man when it comes to the naming of my characters but it seems that you have an eye to spot these things. If you continue to provide your input I will make sure to correct what might be percieved as mistakes, that said this is most certainly not a historical roleplay due to my own ignorance on those I prefer to look the fool rather than writte and condem myself by my anacronisms and other disregards to the sanctity of the events past, as such this provides me with more room for forgiveness on those short comings. In any case im still waiting to see how this whole thing plays out, im rather anxious really