[center][u][i] - Annie - [/u][/i][/center] The young female teacher raised a brow as she watched Ryuu. He certainly was hard to read... He just... kind of... looked angry. Well... At least he had a good poker face. That was always a good thing to have. Then again, he was also highly unpredictable; another rather good... and bad trait. With a look of boredom on her face, she watched as he once again, jumped in the air. [i]You know... Doing the same move isn't exactly... [b]surprising.[/b][/i] She rolled her eyes and prepared to step out of the way and reach for his arm. She hadn't expected the feint at all. However, she watched as Ryuu's leg made contact with her own. Suddenly, everything got very quiet as she simply stared at him, unmoved. It was very likely his leg was in a great deal of pain right now considering how tough Annie's entire body was. That sort of happened when you had even a fraction of a demon's strength inside of you. She was lucky the power didn't corrupt her. Then again, Lucifer never really did pick the right ones. Suddenly, a bubble of laughter erupted from Annie's mouth as she doubled over, on her back now. [b]"That. Was. Hilarious! You... actually surprised me! But..."[/b] She spoke, another wave of laughter impeding her ability to continue speaking. [b]"But you didn't know..."[/b] Another wave of laughter. Annie curled up into the fetus position, trying to calm herself down. It honestly wasn't that funny, but something about it made her want to laugh. A few minutes later, Annie was able to calm herself down and sit up. [b]"S-Sorry. Are you okay? If you hadn't surprised me, I would have had time to relax my leg muscles."[/b] She tried to explain, still giggling every now and then. [b]"Anyway, I think that's enough for today. You'll need to get that leg checked out for sprains. I don't think you broke anything. Oh... And have them check out your back too. I heard some popping."[/b] She told him and then got up. Unable to stop smiling, Annie walked out of the training area and towards her own living quarters. He would definitely be an amusing student, and not a bad fighter either. --- [center][u][i] - Lily - [/u][/i][/center] She smiled, listening to Matt as he spoke. Glad that he'd slept well, her smile brighten a bit. Fading once again when she noticed a familiar child. Her expression turned into one more similar to that of a curious child. Without saying much, she simply watched the young girl as she clung to Matt. She put a soft smile on her face and bent down to the ground. [b]"Hello again, Little One."[/b] She greeted, her voice soft and warm. [b]"I didn't expect to see you out here. Where are your parents?"[/b] She asked, staying a few feet away from Matt and the girl. [b]"I'm sorry if we scared you the other day. Sometimes, things happen. I hope you'll forgive me?"[/b] Lily asked, tilting her head slightly.