[center][youtube]IAWrXGT3p-c[/youtube][/center] [center][i]~"When you wake up in the land of the living, only to find yourself in the land of the dead; it'll be the choices you make that ultimately save you, or brake you"~[/i][/center] [b]RP General Plot:[/b] Survival (Walking Dead RP) is an on-going story about a group of people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. The world we knew is gone. An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months society has crumbled. In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to surviveā€¦ [b]Our Story[/b] We'll be a group of around six, maybe seven people all from different backgrounds who have come together in order to survive. However anyone taking part should note that this RP will focus heavily on realism, which means you will need to eat, drink and sleep in order to function and I'll be noting who is and isn't taking care of themselves. For example if I notice that your character has gone a few days without sleep, I'll warn you that you'll start experience symptoms such as dizziness, tiredness and headaches. You will need to watch your carry weight unless you want walkers outrunning you. Everyone must all bare in mind that the way you act towards NPC's we meet in the world will have an effect either latter in the RP or in that moment of confrontation. So chose wisely and consider your friends before you act. I would like all characters that are submitted to have an in depth background and be reasonable as well as believable. I may not ask you to present this in your CS, but I would expect a well developed character with a rich history befitting a normal person. I don't expect a novel to follow your character, just a healthy bit of information so that you can bring up some interesting developments in the IC. For example, if you're an ex cop who once shot a kid by accident, it might effect you if you happen across a child who is alone. Just for example. So really it's to help you out so you can enjoy the experience a little more and introduce you're own drama's, plots and flare to the IC. Preferably I'd like one ex military character maximum, as I'd like for most of us to be normal people. Assuming the relationships in our group go well and we all meet up on good terms, we'd be traveling from place to place, discovering new plots, new places and maybe even new people and other groups along the way. Remember we're all trying to survive so staying in one place for too long is dangerous, especially if a cluster of walkers is moving in our direction. As a group, it will be all of our decisions for where we go and in what direction we move, you may appoint a leader if you want to once we're IC, however until then we'll probably want to go on a majority vote type of thing. Finally, you may add in your own plots at any time. Anything massive should probably be ran by me so we can talk about how to comfortably fit it in, but if you have an idea feel free to put it in there. The choices you make and the things we do will have an effect on what happens to us as a group, so bare this in mind at all times when confronted with situations. [b]Rules[/b] 1) This is High Casual, so two solid paragraphs per post, unless you're responding in a conversation. 2) Don't Godmod. 3) Be friendly in the OOC. 4) Don't kill others without permission. 5) RPs with a lack of communication die, so I'd appreciate it if we all got to know each other, besides it's more fun to RP with someone you can call friend. 6) If you vanish for a week without warning I'll send a PM and give you three days to respond. If you don't then I'm sorry. If you ask in advance though then that won't be a problem. 7) Don't be afraid to add to the story! But if it's something major, please PM about it first. 8) Have fun. [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Appearance: ((Picture or description.)) Gender: Family: ((If any)) Personality: Bio: ((Don't spoil everything, just give us a little about where you came from.)) Job Before The Outbreak: ((Anything from cop, to actor, teacher, doctor, college student, scientist, etc)) Weapon of Choice: ((Anything which is reasonable and believable, try to give reason for where you obtained it if possible))