[b]Name:[/b] Leah Campbell [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Leah][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs36/i/2008/271/4/0/Leah_by_WinterDruidess.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Family:[/b] Mother: Deceased Father: Missing Sister: Deceased [b]Personality:[/b] Despite her young age, Leah seems to demonstrate an intelligence and maturity that goes beyond what her age suggests. However, at heart she is still a young girl and because of this she is prone to trusting too easily as well as becoming quite frightened when confronted with dangerous situations with walkers or other people she doesn't know. She's seen much more than a girl her age should ever have to and because of this she has been forced to mature earlier in order to survive her environment. Because of her age, Leah doesn't hide her emotions very well which means it'll be quite clear if she dislikes or likes an individual, she also seems to lack fear in certain situations when dealing with people, which is to say she will be outspoken if she feels you're being an ass. It depends on the situation and whether she feels threatened or not and on occasion she can sometimes pretend she'd not afraid when actually she is. [b]Bio:[/b] Leah was traveling with her parents after the outbreak hit, having gathered their things and hitting the road as soon as possible. For a while it seemed that was all they were doing, bouncing from place to place as the world gradually descended into hell. They had set off from Birmingham but by the time they'd hit New Orleans it was already a level nine catastrophe. They'd gone there in hopes the coast was safer, which was true for the most part. However it wasn't long before people began getting desperate and more of those things began to appear, eating, never sleeping. Her mother died during a situation at a superstore where they'd taken refuge with some other survivors. Leah was separated from her father and sister since then. [b]Job Before The Outbreak:[/b] None. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] - Screwdriver - Handgun