[quote=IncredibleBee] Nobody laughs at the Crusades because it was an amazingly huge campaign that succeeded in taking Jerusalem.Secondly, we're talking about a coalition aided by magic and shit. If the Orcs join in, then every Orc will join. That is a lot of Orcs. Orcs are more efficient than militia.And nobody even mentioned peasants. [/quote] 1) Yeah, the first one went well. So did a few after. It was when they went to the 10th everybody started laughing, and nobody got the joke. My point still stands, it was rife with disease and hunger and took years to mobilise, and was the entirety of Europe. Every major warring faction combined, we would probably have a split of 50,000 50,000, and as I said, many civilians went off as well, without even a weapon that could be counted in the 100,000 2) Who said Orcs are their own civilisation, as oppose to just a people. OUR Orc doesn't have much reason to join in. 3) [quote=IncredibleBee] Gunpowder aside, most technology was roughly medieval. [i]They were still farmers and shit.[/i] Hell, we got over 100,000 crusaders during I think the First Crusade, and that was in the early 12th century.We are presumably in a larger country, and we're not hard medieval; we're high fantasy. Armies reaching hundreds of thousands is, if anything, expected. [/quote] Since we still have farmers today (surprise surprise) I'll assume you mean they still had feudalism. In which yes, Russia still had feudalism in 1850-ish