Name:Travis Steele Age:28 Appearance: [url=] Travis [/url] Gender:Male Family: Father:Doesn't Know Mother:Deceased Drug overdose Sister:Deceased Pre-outbreak Step Father:Killed by Travis post-outbreak Personality:Travis is a man whose in it for himself, he cares about no one but himself, but is capable of working in a group as his preivious occupation required it, he has a soft spot for kids always going out of his way to help them, a thinker and a fighter, and people can tell just by looking at him he's a conflicted soul Bio: Travis was born into a broken home and a broken family, his father leaving and his mother marrying his step father just made it worse, he still refuses to talk about what happened in his household. But it haunts him and sometimes he wakes up screaming,somewhere later in his life he fell in with the wrong crowd and became a bank robber. Something he was doing until the start of the outbreak. Where he was found by survivors and taken in. Job Before The Outbreak: Criminal-Bank Robber Weapon of Choice: AR-15 And a Glock.