[b]Name:[/b] Michael Andrews [b]Age:[/b] 26 [hider=Appearance][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/194/8/3/concept_by_afrocream-d7qh1on.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Family:[/b] [*]Mother (Unknown, assumed deceased)[/*] [*]Father (Unknown, assumed deceased)[/*] [*]Younger Sister (Unknown, assumed deceased)[/*] [b]Personality:[/b] Michael is usually a compassionate and kind-hearted man, but due to the terrifying events of the past few months, is capable of detachment and distrust to strangers whom he believes to be a threat to himself and others close to him. Though he is able to keep calm and collected in the face of latent panic, when the situation becomes frighteningly disastrous, Michael's state of mind is often seen to devolve into panic and - sometimes subconsciously - defer the decision-making to a more confident person. It could be that this is due to his relatively young age and consequential inexperience of handling dire situations of such extremes. Despite this, he is caring and protective when it comes to his friends. He can generally handle fear with a sense of duty and motivation rather than freezing up. [b]Bio:[/b] Michael was born to a relatively normal life in America. From a rather young age, he was interested in joining the medical profession, no doubt this was partly due to his father being insistent in doing so, having a career in medicine himself. The outbreak began while Michael was still a Medical Student, so obviously he never fully completed his medical training, though he is confident in the skills he has learned. In the early days of the outbreak Michael spent a short amount of time with a small group of other students, the entire group were either killed by bandits for the few supplies they had or - like Michael - were chased off to survive on their own. Several days later, starved and tired, Michael came across a seemingly friendly survivor who gave him a small amount of food and a place to sleep. Michael awoke some hours later with the survivor about to bring down a hatchet on him, which lead into a violent struggle for it. Eventually Michael managed to get the upper hand and brutally hacked the attacker to death. Shortly after, Michael took the hatchet and whatever else the hostile survivor had on him and made his way in hopes of less murderous survivors. He's been travelling ever since. [b]Job Before The Outbreak:[/b] Medical Student [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/ahPaZ11.jpg]Hatchet[/url] (Stolen by Michael during a violent struggle with a violent survivor over supplies, was later used to kill said survivor)[/*] [*]Handgun (Was also stolen from the survivor's stash)[/*]