[center][b][u]Ryuu Yamauchi[/u][/b][/center] [i]I DID IT! I ACTUALLY FEINTED IT![/i] Ryuu's eyes widened at the sight of him seeing his leg connect a successful attack. Perhaps, it would have been better if he failed. For his leg never swept Annie off of her feet: it simply... simply... Cracked. [center][i][b]ASDFIJDSKGADGHNWEOJVN-[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][img=http://jimpunk.net/Loading/wp-content/uploads/loading81.gif] [b][u]Please wait for just one moment...[/u][/b] . . . .[/center] --- [b]"That. Was. Hilarious! You... actually surprised me! But... But you didn't know..."[/b] The sound of Annie's laughter burned Ryuu's leg inevitable leg injury even further. Never had he suspected that the person would be as tough as a freakin' rock! Who the heck was she to have not budged from a powerful sweep like that? [i]Oooooooooooooooooor I could just be weak as hell compared to her,[/i] Ryuu thought quickly. [i]I mean, seriously... if she could throw me into walls like that, I bet her punches could blow my head right off.[/i] [b]"Anyway, I think that's enough for today. You'll need to get that leg checked out for sprains. I don't think you broke anything. Oh... And have them check out your back too. I heard some popping."[/b] Ryuu groaned in pain as she left the training grounds. Never did he think that successfully hitting something was actually worse than missing it. But... he still learned that he was not as slow as he thought himself to be. Maybe if he pushed himself further, he would become less predictable. ...For now, he really needed to... crawl... towards an infirmary or something. The otaku slowly got up from the ground, dusting himself, before slowly walking toward the infirmary... and that just had to happen in the morning.