Here's my CS; I like stories of the political strife among nobility in the Middle Ages, so I incorporated a bit of that into my backstory. Hope it works with the setting! [hider=A bad peace…]A bad peace is worse than a good war When I go more than ten miles out of the city, the love and loyalty of friends comes to an end All citizens must place the common good before the private good[/hider] Name: Guillaume de Labourd, Count of Selenia Age: 40 Race: Human Nationality: Valanian, (Vectian by marriage) Allegiance: Le Crosse Royal Family, (As Above) Appearance: Guillaume stands just over 5’8”, a rather unimposing stature. His body is solid and toned as a result of the training undergone as part of his knightly duties. He bears scars from battle around his lower jaw, and from his brief captivity under Hadim al-Nurr. His eyes are set deeply and high above his nose, while his chin tapers to a rounded point. His cheekbones are prominent, giving him a gaunt visage. He wears a dark beard from ear to ear, culminating in a downward-pointing moustache. [hider=Armored][img=][/hider] Profession: Valanian knight and military commander Biography: Guillaume was the firstborn son of Charles de Labourd and Alix of Malmaines, birthed in the commune of Loriet. His family was of minor noble origin, which had inherited and managed the fiefdom of Loriet for several generations. The seigneurs of Loriet were traditionally staunch supporters of the royal family, which earned them a positive reputation in Voltas, in spite of their lesser birth relative to Valania’s counts and earls. Guillaume served Jean de Bois early in his career as a squire, participating in offensives against Philip, the rebellious Duke of Auray. Valanian King Lothair le Crosse gave his support to De Bois in this endeavor, intending to bring the duchy of Auray back under control. Guillaume’s servitude was rewarded some time later, when repelling an attack on Lorainne Castle by rebel forces. De Bois knighted Guillaume for his endeavors during the Aurayan Succession, conferring on him an estate on his manor in the northern region of the Duchy of Bois. As the Succession came to an end, Guillame had achieved a name for himself by killing Albret of Sully, a knight fighting under Philip of Auray, and capturing two others. De Labourd would continue to fight for his duke, this time against the Sarifes in a series of border clashes foreshadowing the eventual defeat of Valania. His performance reached the notice of King Lothair, who tasked him with subjugating Henry d’Albert, who aimed to claim the Duchy of Valois for his own. Guillaume met the Valanian-Albert army at L’Anguille, and forced Henry’s forces to rout after a decisive countercharge from his retinue of men-at-arms. Henry’s defeat enabled Lothair to entrust Valois to his ally, Geoffrey de Clari. Jean de Bois would ask for his aid again, who was hard-pressed to stave off a Sarife advance into northern Valania. At the Battle of Rochelle, De Bois would be killed in action, and his army defeated by a wise Sarife commander, Hadim al-Nurr. Guillaume fought on until he was cornered, forced to surrender his arms and taken prisoner. King Lothair ransomed him for 100,000 pieces of coin, who did not want to lose the man’s prowess to the Sarifes. Hadim al-Nurr eventually marched his army back across the border, having sustained too many losses to press on further. Guillaume would command men against minor Sarafid incursions and traitorous nobles some months following his return to Valania, but by this time, the kingdom was facing the crises of corruption, bankruptcy, drought and other threats to its prosperity. Rebel barons had largely diminished King Lothair’s sphere of influence and were dividing Valania among themselves. Disaster struck the loyalists when the royal family was assassinated, and the Sarifes capitalized on the kingdom’s sorry state to annex its lands soon after. Guillaume led a small contingent of men at the Battle of Vercelli Heights, however, bickering amongst the commanders and their ineffectual leadership took their toll on the army’s performance. Despite his pleas, the higher nobles in command refused to heed De Labourd’s advice. When the fighting turned sour, Guillaume refused to waste any more of his men’s’ lives in a hopeless battle, and ordered them to flee the field. With little in the way of allies to call on for help, Guillaume rounded up the assets of his estates and his vassals, retreating south to Vectis. In Vectis, De Labourd consolidated his resources, meeting with nobles of the kingdom who were sympathetic to Valania’s plight. The Vectian Senate saw fit to grant him and his vassals refuge, in return for his service to the Winsgates. Eventually, Guillaume married a prominent Vectian noblewoman, Agnise of Selenia. This had secured him holdings in the Vectian duchy of Ferregio. Following the annexation of Valania, De Labourd keeps a watchful eye on the situation in his former kingdom. Althought he has not been able to confirm it with his own eyes, news has reached him of Prince Lucius escaping death at the hands of the Sarafids and leading pockets of resistance against the Imperials garrisoned in Valania. Renewing his lineage’s vow to serve the Valanian royalty, he has appealed his allies in Vectis for aid and marches across Valanian’s border once more. Notable skills/abilities: Guillaume is a proficient swordsman, rider and military leader, having experience pre-annexation against unruly nobles and Sarife skirmishes. His training as a knight has honed his fighting skills to excellence, and he has had a fair share of time in the courts of his lords. He enjoys the loyalty of his vassals, having been safely relocated under the protection of Vectis and accompanying him on many of his victories. Other Notes: TBA