Eyes tinted with red watched the scene from a balcony, from the daughter of the Daimyo Matsudaira, to the Kabuki-Mono Ronin harrasing the peddlers, a small smirk on his face "Chaos indeed... Master Kotaro would be most pleased, the Ronin are making themselves known, a little too soon, but that is of no matter" he mused silently as he watched the two Samurai approach, a jovial smirk on his lips, almost expecting combat to ensue, but hoping that it did not, no, that would not do. A new voice caught the Fuma Ninja's attention, a voice from directly below, the voice brought a small chuckle from the almost juvenile Ninja "Ooooh, another of the Matsudaira dogs wishes to challenge the Ronin, perhaps, I should send word to Yusura, or possibly Shin... No, no, they won't be necessary" he mused silently to himself, scratching his chin as he watched from his vantage point, humming softly. "No, I shall just watch, ensure nothing that belies the will of Chaos occurs, only then, shall the Fuma emerge from shadow.