[center] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130729165658/rwby/images/1/19/Dust.png] [/center] [center] [b]Rumors and Legends are often born of greed, and for four countries waging in war, greed can lead to dangerous things.[/b] A gift born of the brutal wars fought for domination of the world of Remnant. What is this gift you ask? From the poorest peasant to the richest businessman, not a soul knows what exactly it is. It does have a name however, but whatever it does is still up to mystery. The Harbinger Relic, an item currently searched for by the entiriety of Remnant. Whatever the Relic does is up to your imagination; the item could grant you one wish, it could also grant you eternal life. Perhaps even make you the ruler of the world. Four Kingdoms currently fight for what they believe is rightfully theirs. Vale, Mistral, Atlas, and Vacuo all search for what is rumored to be a powerful item that could speak the fate of Remnant. Even while Grimm, beasts born of darkness, ravage countrysides and destroy towns, everyone still looks for The Harbinger Relic. Huntsmen and Huntresses are sent out to scour the globe. What are the Hunters you might ask? Why, only Humanity's best and brightest. Either people given a gift from birth, or simply having extreme talent, a Hunter's role is to hunt. Of course, Grimm aren't the only thing on the menu nowadays. Instead of being sent to aid the people, Hunters are merely used as dogs to find this rumored gift. All the while this bloody search goes on, the forces of darkness gather and collect, looking to finally bring an end to Humanity.[/center] ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Welcome to this brand new RP Co-GMed by yours truly and GMed by Arkenov. Now you might be asking, what the heck is the plot? Or even, why the hell did you drag me in here, Beo? Don't fret, as all will be revealed soon. This RP is about four groups of Huntsmen and Huntresses. Each group belongs to each of the countries, all of them sent for one goal. Find The Harbinger Relic and try not to lose it to one of the other teams. Sounds simple, eh? Well... it kind of is. Still, things won't go exactly as you might expect. You'll come across the Grimm, Mercenaries seeking the Relic for themselves, Faunus revolution groups, and other nasty sorts of people. You also have to worry about the other teams, whether you decide to work together or fight to the death is up to you. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [b]Rules:[/b] 1. Arke and I are the Gods of this realm, however, that does not mean we simply act benevolently. Our godly actions will have less of a picture and less of an impact as well. If you decide to break any rules, though, we might decide to throw a pack of Beowulves at you, or even a lighting strike. 2. Respect one another. We don't wanna see any fighting amongst OOC chat or anything. No God Modding or taking control of another character unless they give you permission first. 3. Tell us if you're going to be leaving or quitting. We want you guys to be responsible and active. If you have a vacation to go on, tell either I or Arkenov, and we'll get it settled. Of course, since I know all of you personally, it might be a bit difficult for you to just vanish. 4. Try to keep active on the OOC. I know most of us have Steam or what not, but simply asking everyone how their day is going is more than enough to keep it all running smoothly. 5. Lastly, we're trying to have fun. Speak up if you think we're going against this rule, as you all have the right to tell your thoughts. I don't want to do something I think is perfectly fine to have others get bored and irritated or anything. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [hider=Character Sheet Format] Name: Nickname: If you have one. Species: Human or Faunus? If you're a Faunus, what kind? Nationality: Age: Try to stick to adults, but I don't really mind if you're only recently having been graduated from any academies and are still young. Emblem: (Optional) Aura Colour: Semblance: This one is rather open, as pretty much anything can go here. Try to keep some [b]semblance[/b] of balance. Weapon: Again, also open. I don't mind wacky weapons or anything, hell, my character has a god damn Minigun / Lance. But keep it balanced. Dust: Other Equipment: Skills & Abilities: Description: Pictures are allowed as long as they're decent ones, but please make sure to note any differences or quirks Personality: (Optional) History: Other: (Optional) [/hider] [u] [b] Active Characters [/b] [/u] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62659/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1939806] Nicoleta Lupei [/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62659/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1940965] Aslin Forlak [/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62659/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1939586] Aurellius Bellum [/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/62659/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1943622] Aethen Faer [/url] [u] [b] Teams [/b] [/u] [hider=TEAM VANE] Violet, Aurellius, Nicoleta, Esprum. [/hider]