You make a character. Like mine. Ya git. [b]Name:[/b] Aurellius Bellum. [b]Nickname:[/b] Goldie, Bell-end, Guy With a Big Gun. [b]Species:[/b] Human. YEAH. HUMANS ARE THE BEST. WOO. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-seven. [b]Emblem:[/b] [hider=Bellum Sigil] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Aura Colour:[/b] Crisp Red. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Boy, I Love The Color Red.[/i] Aurellius' ability is more of a support ability than others. His weapon rips things to shreds, causing his enemies to pump out their glorious colored life juices. Any target that Aurellius successfully manages to hit will bleed quickly, splattering the grand color everywhere and allowing him to easily locate wounded targets in battle, as their blood glows bright to him. Don't try to escape, because he WILL find you. Of course, the ability doesn't do much else other than help him track the enemy. Pretty boring as most Semblance's go, but Aurellius uses his own skill, not some magic skill that allows him to instantly destroy whoever he comes across. He can do that with his own hands. He doesn't need help. [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Ascalon] [img][/img] [/hider] Aurellius' weapon is a little bit... over the top, some might say. His weapon, Ascalon, has two functions. One, is a piercing lance form, deadly against single targets. Its other form is a rapid fire mini-gun that fires off Dust-infused bullets. Of course, since his weapon is so large, Aurellius has a hard time carrying around the damn thing. Couldn't development had made it a little more light weight? To compensate for his rather slow speed while firing and charging, Aurellius bears a large burden over his shoulders. The backpack is a bit of a mix between an ammo cache and a jet-pack, and is roughly the size of an Army pack. Of course, he can't fly or anything. [i]That would just go against the laws of physics.[/i] No, his jet-pack is for maneuverability. Jets placed all over the pack allow him to use the thrusters to dodge out of the way of an attack, or thrust forwards in his lance form for an attack. His weapon is developed by the grand and marvelous Bellum Manufacturer Co. Don't yell at the name, that wasn't his idea. Anyway, the weapon is focused less on speed and maneuverability than other weapons, but easily makes up for it in sheer power. His backpack can hold up to two thousand infused rounds, so he really has to stock up soon or he'll run out of ammo. His boosters also use Dust, and so have limited uses. Still, don't bash the Lance, as it is made from a specially designed alloy that allows it to pierce even the thickest of shells. And hey, lances don't run out of ammo. His mini-gun also has to spin up, and takes roughly four seconds. [b]Dust:[/b] The bullets used inside the Ascalon are specially infused with Dust. Typically he uses Red Dust, as its properties are best for the explosives properties of ammunition. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't change it out once and a while for special ammo. The jet boosters on his pack also use Red Dust, so its rather easy to swap out if one is running low. Still, other than his weapon, Aurellius doesn't prefer to use Dust all that much. [b]Other Equipment:[/b] Not much. A set of tools made for Ascalon so he can keep it clean and un-jammed. An extra suit, crisp and ready to be put on. [b]Skills & Abilities:[/b] Most notable at first are Aurellius' combat skills. You really don't see many people proficient in a lance or a mini-gun, let alone both! Aurellius prefers to fill the air with lead and dust, to send his foes running for cover as he covers them with blankets. Made of bullets. Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't decent at melee combat, its quite the opposite! He uses his lance with great strength, thrusting forwards, and not giving his enemies any time to recover. (By the way, if you want to see how someone uses a freakin' lance in combat, just google 'Dark Souls 2 Lance PvP' and you'll be set. Running attacks, Ho!) Still, he's not just a fighter, Aurellius was raised to be a businessman! A rather bloodthirsty businessman at that. You see, being the son of a weapons manufacturer means you have to learn a few things from Pappy. How to write files, how to manage a bunch of god damn Union-workers. Screw the Union, by the way. Hiring those filthy cats and rabbits is the cheapest way to do things! Yeah, their work ethic might not be the best, but the wages they ask for. By the Gods, only 40 Lin an hour? What are they, insane? Still, not like Aurellius or his father would pick anything else. [b]Description:[/b] Aurellius is a rather handsome young man. With blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tall stature with broad shoulders, he would make a father proud just to look at him. Of course, not to mention his attire. Suits. Always suits. If you choose not to wear a suit, you're not worth the effort. A good tie and a good suit make any appearance just that much better. Don't expect to see Aurellius wearing much other than a suit, even in combat. Armor, even though the golds and reds might look nice, are just too bulky for Aurellius' already weighed down load. Other than that, Aurellius is best known for his wicked grin. [hider=Aurellius] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Aurellius' personality is a bit skewed. He never really got much contact with other kids growing up, seeing as he had a private teacher ready for him when he was just a wee lad. Still, that doesn't mean he's a messed up loner. Aurellius is, well... slick. Businessmen have this chivalrous and charismatic sense of personality about them. Still, Aurellius is ruthless, and isn't afraid to leave behind anyone slowing the group down. He isn't fond of Faunus either. They're just sub-human weirdos, with god damn rabbit ears and cat tails. Its weird, and most don't look good in suits. Still, Aurellius is a little... compassionate of his friends, if you're lucky enough to survive long enough to become one. You're either a friend or just another person. That, or you're family. Family really isn't different from friends. [b]History:[/b] Around the time of Aurellius' birth, the company Bellum Manufacturer Co. had been developed. Naturally, with those god damn Grimm on the rise, you couldn't say no to an offer like that. And thus, the weapons company had been born, and quickly began pumping out equipment and armor and weapons for anyone who was a fighter. Of course, Bellum doesn't really have much of a focus, more or less just pumping out the red and white simple weaponry that most people wanted. However, the R&D segment of the company was having a field day, making many weapons, such as Ascalon itself! Aurellius, being the son of the head of the company, was raised from privilege at birth. Anything he could have needed was provided to him. A private teacher, hundreds of fancy toys to play with. Really the only thing he didn't get was a childhood. Not like that's a bad thing or anything. Aurellius would later thank his father for making him the adult he was. Instead of going out for high-school dances, Aurellius went to balls and parties. Politicians and Princes were his only contact with people for the most part. He was taught to think those under him were worth less, and thus he doesn't have many moral parties with firing any slackers or fuck-ups. Seeing as his father ran a huge company with hundreds of weapons, why not teach your son how to use them? More private tutors, of course, these ones taught Aurellius how to fight. Until Ascalon had been created, Aurellius trained in a vast assortment of easily available weapons. Combat-scythes, gunknives, hammer-grenade launchers, spear-rifles. The whole lot of them. Hell, even a few massive cannons. You don't know heavy until you lug one of those around. After Ascalon had finally been developed, his father had finally thought to enroll Aurellius into Beacon Academy. And you might know how that went. Pretty successful, he might say. Well grades, a good team. Of course, when he signed up, he wasn't really expecting to look for some stupid trinket that might not even be real. [b]Other:[/b] Carrot-cake is the best flavor of cake.