[hider=The Singular Image of Satoru Kenshin] [img=http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/16/77/80/76/cheshi10.jpg] [i]"I do so love a good game. Don't you?"[/i] [/hider] [hider=Mundane Information] Height 5"2' Weight ~130 LBS Hair Color Black Eye Color Silver Skin-tone White/Pale Name Satoru Kenshin // Kenshin Satoru Age 15 [b]Personality[/b] Kenshin is a rather peculiar individual. The young man is hard to define. His personality shifts seamlessly between two primary states; Reserved and calculating, or flamboyant and expressive. The two halves of the lad are just as varied and distinct as individual people themselves. Trying to define either would be tedious and overwhelming- but I will simplify into lay-terms if possible. The reserved half of the boy tends to be just that; quiet, calm, calculating. Analytical, and intellectual- or, at least, knowledge-hungry. Riddles and games are his forte; he simply loves a challenge, and puts a competetive spin on the simplest of things. His eyes are soft despite the analytical properties of his gaze, although he never really directly adresses his point. He prefers to speak in a rather roundabut fashion. As for the flamboyant half...well...it's much more physucally active than the other. It's almost as if the fellow is housing two seperate people, in truth. This one is physical, agressive to an extent, and even downright rude at times. For him, it's not so much the competition as the fun and adventure; We're all going to die someday, might as well enjoy the journy, eh? There are a few things both halves share, however. Both are fond of tricks and pranks, and employ them in every-day use. Lies are just a form of truth to the two, and consider them a part of their elaborate game of life. Likes Games Fun(!) Darkness Shadows bladed/ponty objects Dislikes bright light Loud noises Large crowds Lameness, in general Other Pyschotic encounter? Why, of course! Kenshin would be absolutely delighted by a visit from a riddle-bearing monster!...Now, on the other hand, he'd be quite terrified of some bloody grotesque being. [/hider] [hider=Busy beginnings] [i]“That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”[/i] Satoru Akihito is a man of determination. Satoru Akihito is a man of intelligence. Satoru Akihito is a man of wealth. Many things can be said about Satoru Akihito, although very few would consider the head of a computing empire to be a family-man. His life is centred around the world of code and programs, leaving his home life to be terse and blunt in return. He is truly a man who demands the respect of every single individual he meets. Born of a poor family in the countryside of Japan, the man learned early on that nothing would simply be handed to him. So the man, determined as he was, set out to stake his claim in the world. The young man travelled from country to city, and from there he slaved away for his wages at the beck and call of corporate business-owners. His life was that of a standard wage-slave, and yet the man's determination never once wavered. Schooling and higher education came at the cost of lifestyle and monetary gains. The man truly worked and slaved for his life. Days spent in some office, staring at some screen or paperwork and the eternal droning of his boss in his ear. Nights spent studying and testing, always improving and innovating. And, after years of this unending labor, he met the woman who would direct his focus and determination into a finely-tuned tool; Katherine Jones. An American, who brought an unusual charisma and business no-how with her to Japan. The two had more of a business association than a marriage, and so their collaborations gave birth; not to a child, but to a business. Satoru Computing was born. [/hider] [hider=Miscontent modern days] Satoru Computing. Programming and engineering tyrant. Owned and run by Satoru Akihito, who is backed by his strange wife Katherine Jones. They are a major power in the computing industry, and have gone from rags to riches in a literal sense. At this point in their lives, having a child is but a natural decision in their business-like marriage. And so it is at this point that Satoru Kenshin is born. Kenshin. Half of him lives up to his parents expectations, and the other half is a society-distrusting darkness. Half of him is encouraged, and the other half stifled. His personality, literally split in two. His youth was filled with study and education, and a good deal of sheltering. It wasn't until his adolescent years that he suddenly had his other half resurface, much to his parents dismay. His usually calm and intellectual demeanor would occasionally shatter into a crazed, pseudo-violent, state-- more agressive than his usual self, by far. And so therapy was placed highly on his to-do list; Learn. Study. Therapy. Eat. Drink. Sleep. Repeat. He often-times ended up only conversing with the therapist politely, and more often than not left the therapist just as confused as his parents-- very rarely did he actually attend therapy when under the influence of his dissociative identity. Life went on. [/hider] [hider=Therapeutic Relaxation] "Satoru Kenshin," Said the sleazy thick basso of Dr. Chervotsky. "Has it ever occurred to you that you might be insane?" "Insanity is but a perception upon which we found out modern psychological studies. Have you ever seen what a dog does? If a human were to replicate a dog's usual behaviors, we'd be considered quire queer indeed-- and yet, to a dog, they'd be as normal as the world being black-and-white." the small boy said in his quiet tones- tones that one had to strain to hear. Chervotsky laughed out his rumbling, deep, laugh. "You're always interesting to talk to. Your logic is sound, yet you sound as if you hardly believe it yourself. We usually talk in circles, but today I want to actually make some headway. I'm sure your parents are tired of paying me to just talk to you." he said, offhand. "They don't actually mind. They think it's a good thing that I talk to someone other than my father for once. Your bill is but a footnote in their ledgers." "Tch. So cold." Chervotsky sighed, sipping from a dark drink. "Tell me; how are you feeling? I'm feeling cliché today." "Have you ever seen a cumulonimbus cloud? How they grow heavy and dark, then rumble and lash out at the earth? I'm not one of those, I'm more of an altostratus; boring and monotonous." the child replied in his stoic manner. "And yet you didn't answer my question." Chervostky said with a smirk. "You simply deflected me with your false explanation." "I replied, and I spoke the truth. I'm an altostratus. You, however, are more of a guinea pig. You grow lax in your cage and rely on your providers for your well-being. If you went back into the wild you'd surely perish." the child blinked, tilting his head a bit as he spoke. "In fact, I'm feeling more like a fox than an altostratus." "....Oh? A fox? That mean you're playful and wily?" "Pathetic and weak." --the usual Therapy session of Satoru Kenshin [/hider]