Here's my CS! I'd probably still work on it later but this is pretty much how my character looks. :) - [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][b]Full Name [/center][/b][center]Aria Cecil Mystique[/center] [center][b]Nickname(s)[/center][/b][center]Ari[/center] [center][b]Gender[/center][/b][center]Female[/center] [center][b]Age[/center][/b][center]112 in Elven years, 16 in human years.[/center] [center][b]Year [/center][/b][center]2nd Year.[/center] [center][b]Birthday[/center][/b][center]April 1[/center] [center][b]Astrological Sign[/center][/b][center]Aries[/center] [center][b]Species[/center][/b][center]Elf[/center] [center][b]Class[/center][/b][center]Summoner - A class applicable for most races. They are the ones who pact with spirits for their help. All summoners carry a book that contains the summoning spells that will automatically be engraved in once the pact is completed. The spirits a summoner can make a pact with are mostly, if not all, elemental spirits. Making a pact may or may not be easy as it depends on the spirit's condition. Some spirits would agree upon asking for help, some would require some requirements while others would settle it down with a fight if the summoner is worthy enough for their aid.[/center] [center][b]Weapon[/center][/b] [hider=Mystique] [IMG][/IMG] This book is entitled Mystique, as it belongs to the Mystique heritage. It contains 4 different summoning spells in it; Sylph, The Spirit Of Wind; Undine, The Spirit Of Water; Ifrit, The Spirit Of Fire, and Luna, The Spirit Of The Moon. These four were gathered by Aria's father when he was still alive. Each spirit has a separate page and under each of the spirit's name contains a list of spells that the spirit can do in order to help Aria in combat. The book still has a lot of empty pages that Aria can fill by making a pact with other Spirits.[/hider] [center][b]World[/center][/b][center]Lucis[/center] [center][b]Short Biography[/center][/b][center]Aria was raised in Lucis by his parents. His father, Maxwell Mystique, was a summoner like what Aria is today but due to one pact that Maxwell made, it costed his life and left poor Aria with her mother. Aria wants to continue his father's aim to be one of the best summoners there is. Upon receiving the letter from The Academy of Arcane Arts, she left her mother with her brothers and promised to come back as the best summoner there is.[/center] [center][b]Personality[/center][/b][center]Aria is shy, soft-spoken, and always nervous if she's with people she doesn't know. If she's with people she's comfortable with, she's loud, optimistic, and outgoing.[/center] [center][b]Partner[/center][/b] [center](Undecided)[/center] [center][b]Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s)[/center][/b][center]Aria's biggest pet peeve are insects. She hates creepy crawlies. She finds them disgusting, horrifying and terrible. If she were to battle a creature that is insect-like. She would rather kill herself than be near to that creature. Even if an insect spirit that's powerful would want to make a pact with her for free, she would immediately turn down the offer and probably run away crying.[/center] [center]Battle-wise, Aria isn't weak against any kind of class or race because she doesn't directly fight with them. Her biggest weak point is her book. If she doesn't have it, she's practically useless and defenseless. It is ambiguous to anybody whether she can summon without her book.[/center] [center][b]Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits [/center][/b][center]Like most summoners, Aria can talk to spirits. But unlike anybody else, Aria can understand directly what the spirits say unlike normal summoners who only rely on gestures made by the spirits. This could possibly make things easier for Aria.[/center] [center][b]Other [/center][/b][center]Although Aria has been training for several years now, she still hasn't made a pact with any spirit as they are dangerous and Aria may not be able to handle it. As of now, Aria comfortably uses Sylph most of the time. She also is very good friends with Sylph and usually summons Sylph so she could talk with her. She uses Luna and Undine from time to time but never uses Ifirt because there seems to be a problem with Ifrit, which, as of now, is unknown.[/center]