Kuro nodded silently while closing his eyes. Finally, someone had spoken the truth that not even Kuro had dared to speak of for fear that he would be assassinated by disgruntled vampires. Vampires were never a supreme being, they melted under the sun, and they only had a hard limit of 3 days before they shrivel and die should they be deprived of blood. Vampires NEEDED humans to survive while Humans didn't need vampires. Vampires are the parasites yet those foolish revolutionaries dared to upset that balance, hence, the result. Suddenly, Priscilla's eye looked at him, as if piercing into his undead being. Her cold voice carried an ominous message that made Kuro's eye twitch. She wanted to talk to him outside... It wasn't really surprising, but then again, this was an ancient and he was a mere vampire. Kuro chuckled nervously as his crimson eyes looked at Hisako. "Hisako-pyon, please attend to Big Sister's wounds. Allow her a few servings of the blood, preferably from the serial killer I've captured. Don't kill him though, not yet." Kuro said softly as he turned to Chiyo. "Chiyo-chan, please show our guests their places. And... well, control the flirting." Kuro smiled as he looked at Krov, Karina, and Greyson. "Welcome to Hisako's Shack, where your new future begins. Take one step out of line that will endanger the lives of our family, and I will [i]personally[/i] end you." Kuro's voice struck an octave deeper as his eyes flashed red. Then, he smiled and scratched his head while grinning widely. "Well, I hafta git goin'! Enjoy yer stay!" the elder vampire tilted his head as he followed after Priscilla who had already walked outside. Priscilla was insanely fast, and she was STILL walking. Kuro soon caught up as he dropped whatever remnants of a child he had, and looked at Priscilla with vampiric eyes that was fitting of an elder; his eyes were serious and determined. "To what do I owe this honor of having a conversation with one of the revered ancients, Priscilla-dono? I shall do my hardest to cater to your word." Kuro nodded as the smile from his face vanished, and turned into a deadly-serious visage of a child of night.