As Shen was nearing ground level, he didn't expect the demon to be all too watchful of him, but kept his eyes on the beast anyways. When it bent over to effortlessly pick up a ruined car, he knew he had to be quick. He let go of the window sill he was holding and fell down the last 60 feet to the ground, getting out of the way right before the car crashed into the wall above him. He grunted and went through his knees when he hit the ground, but was overall unharmed. From there, he dashed to the side to avoid the falling debris that would soon follow. Seeing that the other man was still on the demon's back, Shen figured that giving him a chance to attack was his their best shot. "Come get me, you cow!" He yelled at Diabolus to pull its attention, while keeping a safe distance in anticipation of a charge.