[quote=Raxacoricofallapatorius] So to summarize everything you've said (just so I know what I'm talking about):Some of us are scientists, some of us are subjects.Subjects are being experimented on for [unknown purpose] and gain special abilities (I suppose they could be disabilities as well).Abilities/disabilities can be just about anything as long as we can make it sound legit.Subjects' behavior is being studied in a "normal" environment. Kinda vague, I want to know exactly the purpose of the scientists doing the testing, what are they trying to achieve? Cancer cure? Superior human race? Forced evolution?Perhaps they are using the subjects for different purposes. I'm assuming that most of the POV will be from the subjects, so we don't necessarily have to know the motivations of the scientists, but part of the story would be trying to find that out I assume. I also assume that the test subjects will have no context of life outside of the "lab" or whatever it is they're being held in, either they've forgotten it or were artificially grown. It's an intriguing concept, I did a similar RP a few years back about escaped laboratory experiments. It might be fun to try again. [/quote] Well to answer your well asked questions, most research would be as dumb as it sounds 'for the sake of science', experimenting with the experimental in hopes that it can be used for various other purposes, like when they cloned a rat or first considered stem cells. So it would be a little vague the purpose, but essentially these are government funded projects so legally, the scientists are not doing anything wrong, adding more morale dilemma to the conscienceness. Also, it's not certain that a test subject will have forgotten the outside world. They did have a life outside when they were clinically insane. It's up to you whether they were living in some sort of complete fantasy world and suddenly wake up to this strangeness or they grew up 'normal' to a certain age before going mad or they had a concept of the normal world, but were plagued by hallucinations or voices that made normal life unbearable. It all relies on the fact that the rest subjects were insane at one point. Sorry if it's a little vague,I'm not the best on explaining my thoughts.