I'm planning on making another character. The other CS is on the second page. :) [hider=George] Name: George Hui Age: 15 Appearance: (Couldn't find the right picture and I find giving visual aids is better than describing so I made this little avatar dude xD) [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img631/5412/QOX9Eb.png[/img] Gender: Male Family: Mother- Missing Father- Deceased Sister- Deceased Personality: George is very intelligent and always had an amazing academic record but in terms of practical things he is the biggest idiot that pretty much ever roamed the earth. Before the breakout, he couldn't even make a cup of tea. But he has a will of iron and learns fast, and although is easily startled, once he has decided to do something he won't ever give up. He mood swings a lot, from hyper and cheerful to quiet and sullen. But one thing that always remains the same about him is that he's a massive dork, which he often gets teased about. When he was 13 he made friends with Theo, and since then they've been very close. Although not his best friend, George chose Theo to come along to the States, and they were stranded there ever since. George, although knowing almost everything about Theo, isn't aware that he has crush on him. Bio: He was born and lived in London all his life, but his family were originally from Hong Kong. His dad, being an important businessman, often went to the States, and one summer the whole Hui family flew over to the US for a holiday along with his friend Theo. With some stellar timing, the breakout happened, and George was stranded ever since. His sister and father were quickly infected, and his mother was kidnapped by a group of bandits. He's still searching for her. Job Before The Outbreak: School Student Weapon of Choice: He's not really one for fighting, and generally leaves that to Theo. However he does have a knife that he can shank walkers at close quarters with. [/hider]