I am still thinking about the history, but I got everything else done. I can't wait to play him if I get accepted, his character development is gonna be killer, especially if one of the other characters can work with his melancholy :3 [hider=Gabriel] Name: Gabriel Laughly Age: Eighteen Gender: Male Sexuality: Are we really going to talk about this? Ugh, fine. I'm demisexual, it's like being asexual, but not really. I don't like sex, at all, it's gross... But, if I love someone enough... I'm pretty sure it will be poetically perfect in it's imperfections. (If you know what I mean, of course you don't.) Hair Colour: Auburn Eye Colour: Dark Green with a Yellow ring. (Even my eyes rhyme, bitch.) General Appearance: This is just one of those things I hate and love about myself. I'm a scrawny little guy without any muscle and a little chub on my tiny frame, you know, like when it looks like a skinny guy just kinda melted in the tummy area and it looks squishy but at the same time anorexic? Yeah... Heh. It's sorta a sore subject for me, I wanna be all tight and smooth, ya know? Not all muscley and hard though, that's not comfortable to cuddle. I take pride in my hair though, your typical emo cut, hanging in my left eye cause the right side of my head is cut shorter to give me a more disheveled but downright sexy look... No it doesn't look like what you're thinking, when I say cut shorter on one side I mean it slants, not this Tetris shit. I like neutral colors, and red. I always have red on me somewhere. It's the color of love and passion, anger and blood, things that seem to tie in with who I am. I like my red and grey striped hoodie-shirt. It's thin so I can wear it in the summer, I wear an extra layer over it in the colder times. I also like to wear pants that are near to falling off my hips... No I don't wear it like those gangbangers, I keep a belt on. But if I ever wanna be attractive I just gotta loosen the belt a bit... Just because I'm practically asexual doesn't mean I don't like aesthetics, okay? Shoes are a burden, I don't wear them unless I have too, but when I do, they're converse or some crazy off brand with red trimming. I like being barefoot more though, I like feeling stuff under my feet, just as long as it's not sharp and ouchy bleedy. I'm sorta pale skinned, virtually hairless at the moment. (No-Nos work wonders for us body-hair-haters...) I almost have a grayish tint to my skin and it makes me sorta unearthly looking... But mysterious and attractive. I'm also a shorty, I don't clear 5'5". Honestly I think I'm an ugly fuckling (no I didn't use the wrong word), people tell me otherwise but I don't see it. One or two people have made me feel handsome and beautiful before, but they went away... Personality: Hi. My name is Gabe, excuse me while I don't talk to you because I don't know you yet. ... ... ... Still there? Fine. I'm one tough cookie, I surround myself with bad vibes and snarky remarks, sharp-tongued insults, solitude, melancholy, etc. But underneath all that? I'm a poor blushing sap looking for love in what seems like a loveless world. I don't like putting myself out there though it's easy to get hurt that way. I'm always looking to find someone I can open up to, and when I find someone I think might accept me I tend to open up before thinking about the repercussions. I try, I really do, buts it's so hard to find someone who can protect me like I need to be protected. Not physically mind you, I could whoop ass by myself. Rather emotionally, I'm easily broken and very fragile. It's why I put up walls and a hard exterior, it's my personal motto nowadays "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." I'm also an audiophile, music is my life. I feel it run through my veins like the God I know watches out for me somewhere out there. Every single note, melody, rhythm, it makes me feel alive in a way nothing else does (unless you're the one person who can have my insides spilled on you and you still love me for all I'm worth. In case you are that person... drop what your doing and fucking kiss me till I die from asphyxiation.) The only other thing about me that is close to pertinent, is the fact that I do believe in God. The Christian God more than likely, but I don't know really. I'm kinda just floating in this place we called life, not knowing who I am or what I'm supposed to do. But I sure as hell know someone, or something, made me for a purpose, and it will live my life loving that entity and telling them everything. I just wish they'd tell me who they were. If you catch me alone, I might be dancing my heart in worship of this love I feel for my maker. (Or that perfect lover I'm looking for) History: WIP Gabe is not in the group yet [/hider]