[b]Name:[/b] Jethro Malcolm Sawyer [b]Age:[/b] 58 [b]Position:[/b] Alpha [b]Job:[/b] Jethro is unemployed but considers leading and teaching the pack to be a full-time job. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379780285/403678.jpg]Human[/url] | [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2013/190/2/4/old_wolf_by_yuukix9-d6cp1a1.jpg]Wolf[/url] [b]History:[/b] Jethro makes no attempt to conceal his past from his kin. He contracted Lycanthropy many years ago, when travelling in Siberia as a child. His family was slaughtered by the werewolves that then took him in, as was their way. They saw humans as little more than food and used their attacks as a way to not only find food but to increase their numbers. Jethro barely remember his original family now, but he remembers the decade and a half he spent among the Siberian pack, living out in the wild, hunting and exploring as a wolf. The other's wished to give up their humanity and become wolves, but Jethro wasn't satisfied with such a life and so one night, when everyone was asleep, he slipped away from the pack and never looked back. Jethro, in time, made his way back to his own home nation and joined a small pack of werewolves. He proved himself and able fighter and, as was his right, he challenged the previous Alpha for leadership. Thei fight was a long and violent one, but finally Jethro stood victorious and took his place as Alpha. He took his role as leader and teacher very seriously, combining his own beliefs with what he had learned from the Siberians to form a creed of sorts, driven by one central tenet: Survival of the Fittest. [b]Personality:[/b] Jethro has a powerful force of presence and it used to other's listening when he speaks. He rarely raises his voice and is stern and unflinching in his decisions. He believes in survival of the fittest, that we fight our way into this world, kicking and screaming, and that all werewolves must master themselves or be destroyed. He also sees lycanthropy not as a curse, but as a gift. To be able to experience the world as a wolf, but with the mind of a human can be nothing short of gift, a gift that shouldn't be squandered by those who wish to live only as humans or only as wolves. He is a powerful and stern figure, but not an unkind one. He sees the pack as his family and would happily die to protect all of them. [b]Goal in Life:[/b] To ensure the survival of the pack. [b]Other:[/b] Despite his age, Jethro is still a powerful figure. He is lean and well built, his body covered in countless scars from a life of struggling for survival.