[b]Name:[/b] Aethen Faer [b]Nickname:[/b] Esprum [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Nationality:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Aura Colour:[/b] Dark Green [b]Semblance:[/b] This one is rather open, as pretty much anything can go here. Try to keep some semblance of balance. [b]Precision[/b] - Esprum is often acurate, blame this on his curiousity and his love for books. He can point out flaws in patterns, the shap of a key to fit its keyhole, and much more. Due to this, he is effective with his ranged weapon, in terms of preforming fatal blows after moments of buildup, aiming for the neck area. [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider="In heeerrreee!"][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140410211514/rwbyfanon/images/5/54/Akusatsugai-sha3D.png][/hider] Esprum's weapon is a cross between a halberd and a crossbow. The 'staff' of it is contractible, and when in crossbow mode, the stick part is used as a cartridge case of sorts. Outside of its ranged mode, his weapon has a sharp blue tip, an addition Esprum made using dust. It's a strong as steel, and can easily be stored when the weapon changes. [b]Dust:[/b] Esprum carries around a small patch with plenty dust inorder to write runes to solve problems and such [b]Other Equipment:[/b] [b]Dictionary:[/b] Self explanatory [b]Dust Pouch:[/b] A pouch Esprum carries around. It's full of his special writing dust. [b]The Four Kingdoms, by Aurther Floss:[/b] A large book Esprum carries around. It explains the four kingdoms in depth. [b]Esprum's Journal:[/b] He writes EVERYTHING in this already large book. [b]Skills & Abilities:[/b] [b]A man of many words:[/b] Esprum Can almost perfectly speak any national language, though language spoke amoungst beasts is unkown to him. [b]Delayed Onslaught:[/b] Esprum will often times use rune-traps in combat, if he has times that is. [b]Mind of a Sailor:[/b] He can read maps, and somewhat drive a boat. [b]Mercy of a King:[/b] If met with deciding life of death of an opponent, Esprum will often show mercy, however this also often means he'll find a way to force the opponent onto his side. [b]Description:[/b] Esprum wears a sturdy lazuli-colored robe that goes down to his knees. Under that, he wears a pair of black rubber boots, blueish pants, and a black shirt. His eye color is a deep green, his hair color coal-black. His skin is an almost pale white. Rested before his eyes is a pair of your typical nerdy glasses, for those eye worn out from reading the tiny text from large books. [b]Personality:[/b] Esprum is a silent library. An absolute bookworm. He isn't afraid to tell someone off, or explain his idea, and prove why it would be right. Other than that, he's silent, often a book opened in one of his hands. [b]History:[/b] Esprum was born in Mistral, the son of a librarian. Due to this, it was quite obvious he began reading at a very early age. He was a prodigy, four classes above most of his comrads. He sought out stories of adventures, death, how ships worked, the inside-out of a fly, everything. He graduated from a local acadamie, yet he didn't score the best. He was... rather useless at the physical tasks, and ranked the lowest of the seven who graduated. Sure, many attended said acadamy, and many, many failed. But he simply wouldn't take the grade. He taught himself how to fight, based off of textbook after textbook, the occasional adventure novel. He trained, until he was satisfied, his weapon being a halberd/crossbow hybrid. He never did stop studying, and perhaps that was a good thing, as it led him to learn about the Harbringer Relic. He was detirmined to be one of the four to search for it.