[quote=TheMadAsshatter] And what if it mutates into the next black death or some shit? It's a fairly unlikely scenario, but viruses are pretty unpredictable.For now though, the only thing I'm concerned about is that I live near Dallas. Still, it's an isolated case and I don't doubt the CDC has their shit together, so odds are this shit will blow over in a week or two and everything will be back to normal. The only way I can see it spreading is if it does mutate and become more deadly/contagious in some way. [/quote] Funny you bring up the Black Death, I was just reading an article yesterday and some seem to have come to a theory that Ebola is [url=http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117310]behind the Black Death[/url]. And you're near Dallas? Must be a lot of comments in regards to it spreading there, huh? Well, I don't think it will mutate, but if it does, stay safe and take care, y0.