[center][img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/256/4/1/okara__plan_to_spoof_izaya_orihara_by_mesha_san-d5ektsg.jpg] Full Name: Joseph Conrad Nickname(s): N/A Gender: Male Age: 19 Year: Fourth year Birthday: October 13 Astrological Sign: Libra Species: Augmented Human- Almost cyborg like, he has infrared and night vision due to eye implants. he also can slow down his perception of time due to implants in his brain and heart. Class: Ranger/Assassin Weapon(s) [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140910230145/battlefield/images/c/c5/BF4_Rorschx1.png]X-1 Railgun[/url] The Pinnacle of handheld kinetic weaponry, the X-1 is a devastating beast. It fires a sabot round that is magnetically charged, clocking at around 3600 m/s. To put that in perspective, the 120 mm sabot round, which was used to penetrate heavy armor, has a velocity of about 1700 m/s. Despite hitting harder than a bloody tank, it does have it’s drawbacks. For the round to be sent flying at 3600 m/s, it takes about 2-3 seconds to charge the magnetic coils. One can plainly tell when this is occurring, as there is a loud hum and a bright blue flash. It also follows a straight line of fire, making easy for the receiving party to simply dodge or move into cover before the round is actually fired. It can also only hold one round in the chamber due to safety issues, and the sabot round burns up at a certain distance, also due to safety concerns of the round going farther than needed. A bipod was never designed to offset the massive recoil, so one must manually keep the railgun steady. [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131101211112/splintercell/images/5/55/Sc1s.png]X-1C Pistol[/url] Simply a very scaled down X-1, it uses the same principles but is scaled down for use in CQC and mid range engagements. It isn’t as strong as the X-1 itself, but boasts a round that rivals the stopping power of many of the modern rifles. Limited in the fact that it can only carry ten rounds. [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121208080128/hitman/images/7/74/Agency_Tanto_Knife.png]Tanto Knife[/url] Stealthy, silent, reusable, the tanto is generally not used unless it is a situation where the target cannot be taken out with the X-1, sometimes used in conjunction with the X-1C. World: Earth Short Biography: Joseph was born in what was the ruins of the west coast of the USA, devastated by the resource war that had spanned across the globe. Despite the fact that the government had finally stopped manufacturing focus on military goods, most of the west coast remained as desolate and broken as it was during the war. Joseph was found by some medical volunteers at the age of eight, seemingly alone. A bit unapproachable at first, but he grew as talkative as any young boy would be. Joseph had brief military training before he joined the academy. Personality: Loves to be very sarcastic. Somewhat of a cynic, as he loves to point out anything and everything that is wrong or depressing. Partner Unassigned as of now. Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s): Weight issues with his railgun limits his range of movement. Is also at a disadvantage at melee range due to the limited reach of his tanto. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits: Has an uncanny ability for numbers. Can guesstimate distances, trajectory and angle of bullets pretty accurately. Themesong: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0]Rules of Nature[/url] Other: Does fancy a bit of woodworking.[/center]