[img]https://reallynormal.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/anime-boy-sofa-cartoon.gif?w=360&h=360&crop=1[/img] Full Name Alexander Sollars Nickname(s) He prefers Alex, but he's fine with whatever people call him Gender Male Age 15 Year 1 Birthday March 6 Astrological Sign Pisces Species Human Class Rogue Weapon An enchanted dagger that makes it unable to break and it will automatically appear back in the owner's pocket if it gets too far away. World Earth Short Biography He was abandoned in a forest when he was 11. Personality Sarcastic, Serious, Independent, and a Realist Partner No one. Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) He is quite bad at fighting when someone notices him, and he has a fear of heights. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits He is able to make no noise when walking. Themesong [youtube]zMYf8X3nkFI[/youtube] Other He has a pet snake that he always keeps with him named Viper