[i] GOLDEAGLE AND SOLAMELIKE COLLAB [/i] Olaf and Gerkin heavily stepped down through the catacombs with the group, admiring all the fine ‘liftables’ as they entered the very pale, and very dead hall of bones. The twins both began to think how many bones there may be, at least twelve, maybe six, but no more than three. Either way, they watched as their new companions paled at the sight of the pales, and Olaf abruptly hollered, “HO HO HUP HO,” with a blazing smile, “you all look the shade of snow!” “It may look eery, but there is no reason to be teary!” Gerkin exclaimed to the group, attempting to read the writing on the stone. Olaf nudged in front of his massive brother and squinted at the symbols called letters, “As i expected,” he said with a pseudo frown, “My reading skills were sooner or later going to be tested.” “But what luck!” He laughed, “I don’t give a…” Gerkin cut him off sharply,”DUCK!” With that Olaf dove to the ground with an amazing hud, throwing dust particles thick through the musty air as Gerkin laughed heartily, “I ought to give you my boot,” snarled Olaf as he rose to his feet, “for getting me covered in soot!” “Everytime dear brother, you fall for that” Gerkin chimed “Now get off the floor, you look a prat.” Gerkin suddenly heard another member of the group read the stone carving, and Olaf joined him, shoulder to shoulder once again, “AH french writing,” he mutter, clearly defeated in the area of reading, “let’s get a move on, this leotard is biting.”