[Hider=Black Scorpions]“The Black Scorpions” Also known as The Skinless by the Ashtoken, or Without Token (hero/honor/faith/Ashishian ideals) The fearsome group of outlaws and contract killers known as the Black Scorpions are a renown organization numbering close to a thousand, though no formal census can actually say. Their roots are rich and coincide with the Ashtoken pretty closely, as Ashishia was their country of origin and they date back over three hundred years, founded as a rogue military operation to combat gnolls by First Star Jufih Aceroth. They dress in black robes and paint themselves with a clay based paint, just as dark as their ambitions. Very few ever feel it necessary to actually wear defensive clothing as their crimes and assassinations are normally smooth and committed silently. Their weapons of choice happen to be bias towards Ashishian arms, among them being the elegant Ashishian curved sword, nasty desert darts, and the composite bow. However, they have grown into a nasty reputation for using various poisons to aid their kills. Originally when the group was founded, the Ashtoken were exploring new medicines, and in contrast, the Black Scorpions explored new poisons with a range of effects. They protected the desert and the tribes as loyally as any other Ashtoken for a good two hundred years, keeping honor and conduct up to par with the rest of Ashishian military standards. Sadly, during the last one hundred year stretch they reared off the just course and fell into corruption, as other figures of importance would buy them out to do personal dirty work and smuggling. Eventually the council of the stars were forced to bring up the topic of disbanding them on accounts of criminal activity, spear pointed by First Star Hevi Deprash against the head of the military organization, Lori Deprash, distant cousin of the old Voice. This did not go over well and an assassination attempt that the Black Scorpions were so famous for was directed at The First Star himself. The plot was foiled by the Ashtoken guard and Lori Deprash was killed in the conflict. Most of the members of The Black Scorpions left the organization or integrated into the border militias when they had discovered the plots of Lori. Not surprisingly though, many of the higher ranked and richer Scorpions delved deep into the endless desert in exile as ‘The Skinless’(coming from their now lack of Ashtoken value and the giving up of the Ash for black clay) to continue their criminal activities in secret, recruiting outlaws and vagabonds of all sorts. This trespassing didn't last more than a year, as the Ashtoken guard tracked them down, and with the aid of a few magi’s, forced them to retreat out of Ashishia for good. Over forty years have passed since then (twenty years before The Great Gnoll war, ironically), and rumors have it, they are stronger than ever, and providing all sorts of shady services to even shadier clients. Noteworthy current members: Skinless Kepeshi, the Bane of Nobility Kepeshi is perhaps one of the more colorful members of the Scorpions as he is very egotistical, a trait almost unheard of in someone who grew up in Ashishia. He is 36 years of age, but joined the order at the age of 14 after running away from home. He blossomed in the order as one of the most proficient killers and skilled in the use of poisons and the environment for untimely deaths. There is rumor long since dried up that he is a close relative of one of the leading figures in the Tribes of Ashtoken, making him one of the few remaining links between the Scorpions and their old origins. Lori II Lori cursed and threw down his real name at the death of Lori Deprash and took Loris title as his own, and convinced the highest members to escape with him to the desert(until forced out of Ashishia), and donned the title skinless. Lori II is now 67 years of age and still the head of the Black Scorpions, and possibly one of the most dangerous men in all of Elyden, as any name spoken from his lips is as good as slaughtered. Joe the butcher No one is sure where Joe came from, but he is a good, or terrible, sign that The order isnt exclusively exiled or criminalized Ashishian natives., but has recruited criminals from other regions. Joe’s name never struck fear into the hearts of his enemies, but this was usually because he had already cut it out with his signature cleaver the size of a forearm. He coats himself in the clay like the rest of his houseless brethren, and kills just as well, or better than the average scorpion as it may be. He is a man of little words, but a man who does not hesitate to delimb a target in front of their own mother, as one poor noble found out. Cassewah Jemjo A unique man, if one could call him that. His nose is pushed in like a dogs, and his teeth are long and sharp, better to eat you with he might add. Cassewah is a half Gnoll, his unknown mother was raped by Gnolls, and killed by his own birth, his first target if you will. Cassewah is skilled in stealth as well as dispatching enemies from great distances, or in quick hand to hand skirmishes. [/hider]