Name: Efrain, The Archduke Of Westerlands Affiliation: Borsegeld (How do I make an umlaut)? Special Trait: Efrain's ancestors had the power of dragons, calling them forth in summoning spells, breathing fire, growing wings, tails, claws and scales, etcetera, because his ancestor, fifty generations ago, became a blood brother to a very powerful dragon, Stelerex The Gold. As a result, Efrain is incredibly strong, durable, healthy, agile and resistant to extremes of temperature. He could swim in a lake with sub zero temperatures and not even feel chilly, or sun bathe in the Hell that is the Arizonan deserts all days, for days on end, without even getting a hint of a sun burn. Also, although he still needs to eat, in reality, starving him or thirsting him to death is definitely a fruitless endeavor, since he can simply eat the dirt on the ground, literally, and survive. Poison ivy and mild poisons have no chance to harm him, so he can even eat such leaves and plants without worrying about if he was desperate for food, he could even sustain himself with lethal poisons long enough to finally get his hands on real food without worrying, unless he ingests something that can kill an Elephant. In that case, he would definitely be sick, but not nowhere near dead. Names of Towns: Bailey Hill, Rivercalm, Aspenfalls, Oldoaks, Alden'srest, Steelwall Prose/Verse: