[center][i]Luthica Cyrellion[/i] [img=http://puu.sh/bZmdk/9a940595eb.jpg] Teann Ch'i is an independent self-governing Kingdom consisting of 6 Towers spanning over the Agarian Scar in the name giving Agarian Desert, once stage to the terrible event commonly known as the Spellblaze. Rather secluded from the rest of the world, Teann Ch'i thrives advancement in unlocking the secrets behind Magic, forming Alchemy, Technology and combined, Magitek. Thanks to this, and the huge amount of magical resources generated by the Spellblaze, Teann Ch'i is, even in a desert, self-sustaining and trade is mostly done for the reason of self-protection. 5 of the 6 Towers are placed on the cliffs around the scar, while the 6th one, hold by strong supports, is located mid-air in the middle of the giant scar, accessible through bridges to every other tower. Each tower serves mainly, but not entirely, a different purpose, one being the living quarters, another one houses all the tools and machines to produce good for the daily needs, a third one dedicated to education and theoretical research, the fourth and fifth one specialized for more practical (and dangerous) research and execution, and finally, the Bibliotheca Machina, which stores all the acquired knowledge and alike. The government is made up by a council of 6, multiple candidates chosen by popularity but ultimately succeeding through a range of aptitude tests. Those 6 can freely fill up positions under them as they see fit. While there is no nobility or no apparent caste-system, and ones fortune is entirely based what good they bring to the community, a few families have set themselves on the top, producing prodigies on a consistent basis. A sound mind requires a sound body and thus, the teachings and life of a citizen of Teann Ch'i is one full of studies and duties, basic education like reading, math, magic and physics, but also sports and different martial arts are part of their training. Basically, Teann Ch'i could nearly be called a Utopia as long as everyone pulls their weight. But those who don't, well, those are marked as misfits, falling behind in one or way or another means death, death or being send into the labyrinth. The labyrinth, with its principles of Equivalent Exchange being very similar to the teachings of Teann Ch'i, is seen as an object of high interest, and while brave conquistador join the dungeon on their own accord, those so-called misfits have either the choice of death or try their luck in the dungeon. This [i]weed out[/i] is a socially accepted standard by the entirety of the tower. --- Born into the Cyrellion family, Luthica was put under high pressure since young age, as their formidable efforts have put high expectations from sides of the community. But every family has a black sheep, and as it had to happen that roll fell onto Luthica. While she was gifted with the same genuine mind as her siblings, she had huge problems in theoretical studies, often falling asleep and [i]other[/i] strange patterns of behaviour. While flaws could have been fixed, Luthica's could not, or at least she didn't want to, ultimately leading to her fall into the Labyrinth. 20-year-old Luthica has a head of her own and does what she pleases. Despite her rather timid look she can be very stubborn and hates following rules and alike. She can be very random from time to times and is capable of igniting the fury of the even most reserved elders. Rather carefree and happy in even the worst situations, Luthica is always forward-looking and can work as a strange emotional support.[/center]