The wind bit into the clothing of the 4 of team VANE. Even though the sun was out, the cool air caused short nips on any exposed skin, and caused hair to fly off to the side. Team VANE had been deployed by the Vale to find the Harbinger Relic. As they watched down from their airship, doors cracked open, the sea of trees below rushed past. It seemed to be in late spring, and the forest was alive with life, running away in fear at the great vehicle that zipped through the air. And as time went on, the town came into view, a fabled town that had been talked about by the mission briefing as the supposed place of the relic, a small town called Alacar, now little more than ruins. Here, the land had taken control and grasslands covered what used to be the town. The airship began to slow down above the town, and a green light suddenly came on in the room, signaling that their travels in the airship were over. The ship suddenly swerved, however, and a small missile flew past, exploding in the distance into the trees. As the ship suddenly lurched to the side, Nicoleta stumbled a few steps, grabbing onto the side of the door. The loudspeaker sparked into life, a voice calmly explaining the situation. "The people of Vacuo are here as well, you'll need to be careful in this fight." The airship tried to stabilize more to allow those on the airship to jump off at a safer level. As the airship leveled off, Nicoleta sprinted forwards, leaping off the ledge and out of the airship, her sunglasses on. She had her machetes in each hand, held slightly to the side. Her hair whipped behind her as she fell, the somewhat tight black t-shirt she'd decided to wear accented by a flopping white scarf around her neck which looked like a wisp of wind behind her. She suddenly stuck out her machete, it biting deep into the tree she was passing by and causing her to suddenly spin around the tree twice, stopping on a branch, from which she then stood on, waiting for the others to land as well. "Wouldn't be a mission if we didn't get rushed for everything, would it?"