Aurellius sighed as he leaned on a wall in the bottom-most section of the Airship. The second-grade ship was aptly called 'Forgotten Rust' for its walls and stained bolts. They couldn't have even grabbed a decent airship for this mission? Just grabbed the closest one they could find, gathered up this rag-tag group, and thrown them all out looking for treasure. He raised an eyebrow as their objective finally came into sight. A three hour flight for an abandoned town in the middle of nowhere? Typical, that's all they seemed to get these days. He ran a hand along Ascalon, its tip pointed downwards and furrowing into the floor with every rumble of the ship. He had made sure to shine, wax, and apply general maintenance to the weapon before getting shipped off. You never want a weapon to break down in the middle of combat, but if worst came to worse, he could always just bludgeon an enemy with the hefty paperweight. He took a quick glance around the bay again, taking a good hard look at his 'allies.' They had only recently met three hours ago and his expectations weren't the highest. Two women, one man. And one of them being Faunus' to top it off. One was a red-haired fox who carried a rather odd looking bow contraption that he no doubted could be made into two short swords of some kind. The next was a blonde girl who somehow had some weird feeling of darkness around her and the strange looking katana she bore. The corner she stood in was just a tad darker than the rest of the hatch, even though the sun was shining bright as it could be. The last was a black haired kid who wore a damn robe of all things. At his side he carried some sort of pole-arm that must've been a crossbow to boot. He'd seen a few models of those back in Development. As far as he could tell, he was the oldest person here. Typical he would get stuck with a bunch of kids. Suddenly the airship began to lurch violently to the side, setting him off balance for a few moments. He groaned as the loudspeakers came on. The damn Vacuoans were here before us. Looks like they weren't getting a soft landing. He watched as the fox-girl sprinted forwards, throwing caution to the wind as her scarf flapped without a care in the damn world. He might as well cover here, placing a hand on the wall to the open exit doors. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something headed on a straight course for their ship. A god damn SHIVA missile. How the hell did they get their hands on one of those! He placed a finger on the trigger, revving his weapon up. "[b]I'd advise you newbies to get the hell off right now! Last one on the ground is a rotten egg![/b]" His weapon fired, tracers lighting up, visible even in the day. He fired for a few seconds at the SHIVA, a newly made missile that tracked targets, there was no way in hell they would be dodging that. Finally lucked seemed to be on his side and a few bullets slammed into the missile chassis, somehow managing to break off the rudders of the missile. Without those stabilizing its path, the missile veered heavily off course, slamming into a hill on the outskirts of town. He took his chance, looking behind him for a few moments as his innards bounced around as wind caught on him, making his short hair fly around. Thankfully the others were jumping after him, or at least he assumed. He didn't get that great a look since he didn't have the time. He spotted the fox girl a few hundred meters down, managing to slow herself. He was pretty sure her name started with an N. When he was only a hundred feet above the ground, he fired the thrusters, the straps tugging hard on his back as he slowed his descent. He rolled as he landed, his suit getting ripped a bit by the branches as he went down, but he didn't care much. Oddly enough, he landed mere meters away from the girl. "Wouldn't be a mission if we didn't get rushed by everything, would it?" she said. He snorted, standing up and brushing himself off. "[b]Oh, don't give me that. You know as much as I do that we would enjoy this a lot more if was just rainbows and dandelions. Its a helluva lot preferable to getting blown up.[/b]"