[b]@ Ivory[/b] - [i]Please read the Rules and GM Notes![/i] Glad you could join us, Ivory! Aside from reading the Rules and GM Notes. This is nothing serious, but I'd like to request a minor change, particularly Maria's last name to something more French sounding due to Valania's mostly Ancien RĂ©gime French inspirations. That being said, this is a very minor request to an otherwise worthy character! [b]@ Aristo[/b] - [i]Guillame is approved![/i] Wow that was fast! Same as I told Ivory in that you'll want to change around the naming, particularly Agnise von Breuburg and the Duchy of Oppenheim. Agnise's last name and estate are remarkably German sounding and Vectis is primarily based on the Western Roman Empire so I must request changes for Agnise' surname and estate to something ancient roman sounding. I blame myself for not emphasizing this, but be aware that the Vectisian Legions swear fealty to King Winsgate II and would not march across the border without widespread Senatorial approval or the King's approval. Otherwise, Guillame is very approved 8) [b]@ Fern[/b] - The sky's the limit so don't feel shy to throw something out. Doesn't matter if it's 2 or 3 paragraphs; just write from the character's perspectives and enjoy it! [b]@ Konica[/b] - I think the Coal Company's merely Etchelion's company name, but Romaneck would ultimately know best. [b]@ Skulls[/b] - I'm so jealous. Work on the weekends always stifle weekend festivities like Oktoberfest or the Ren Faire. I'm curious about what your favorite craft beer anyways? --- Working on a post as we speak so just wanted to let y'all know. Just wanted to say that y'all have some nice armor references! Actually did some research and I found munition and almain rivet/half armor fascinating, especially given they were mass produced. What're your thoughts, Nevis, Peik?