Eh. I don't drink. I actually hadn't come across the rivet armor before-though that does explain a few things. I will say that I adore tassets, especially large ones, so I find the ones here that I initially mistook for a fauld really cool. The styles of the 16th century are odd, certainly. A lot of the stuff looks extremely bad to me-yet, on occasion, I come across something that's entirely characterstic of the early/middle part of the century that I find to be among the most beautiful art from Medieval, Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. I am especially fond of the styles used for arms and armor of the time-aesthetically, full-plate and brigandine are my favorite types of armor. What's also funny is that the one of the colorful landsnechts (I think I mispelled that) is probably the best representation of mercenaries and men-at-arms of the time because they totally dressed like that. Albeit, the colors would likely be a bit more faded than in that picture-nonetheless, the bright colors, contrast and, to most people today, gaudiness, was entirely characteristic of the Germans and particularly mercenaries. Anyways, I'll have my cs rough draft up soon. Prepare for the bastard prince!