Urtum looked at the ship in a slight astonishment, "Yes, ship structure, assuming has prototype drive core... Definitely very quick." He looked over at the Commander, "Will be excited to see what the laboratory looks like." He nodded at him with a slight smile. He looked over to Angelo as he spoke, "Commander most likely understands, want to prove ones self. Have done so before, tragic story, maybe become friends... might tell story then." A.L.I.S joined in, "I agree with the Doctor, I'm sure the Commander has been in the same place you are in now." Urtum chuckled a bit, "Cocky nature sometimes good to have. Young and Restless... Good traits to have. Makes one a man of action, good for leadership. Can see you being a great military leader." The Doctor patted Angelo on the shoulder, "Also good for helping with moving supplies to lab.... If you don't mind, help needed to get laboratory set up for experiments."